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Londolozi Game Reserve
(a partir de) US$ 4 316,10

Londolozi Game Reserve

SudáfricaKruger National Park

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Creating Delicious Journeys

Creating Delicious Journeys


Estimulación de los sentidos

¿Un jardín primaveral profuso en olores y colores? ¿Una terraza frente al mar, un chalé impregnado de aromas yodados? Es hora de elegir el decorado de las próximas vacaciones. En 2021, nada mejor como darles otro sentido a las palabras «descanso», «relax» y «desconexión»....
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Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Cuisine Farm to table Laurène Petit

New Roots: the Kitchen Garden Reborn

Hotel gardens, once purely an ornamental concern, are proudly bearing new fruits. And vegetables, herbs and edible flowers too. A new generation of chefs is seeking a meaningful link to their surroundings, and reimagining their kitchen gardens as a source of produce provides a nourishing answer.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Travel Be Inspired Jane Knight

Holistic Experiences in the Heart of the Spas

Today's most inspiring spa destinations take a holistic approach to wellness, truly embracing their surroundings and offering a whole immersion experience to their guests. Here we talk to the people behind four very different spas that cultivate their own philosophy of wellness.


Trophies 2023

The 2023 Relais & Châteaux Trophies are presented with partners who share our values and pride in recognizing expertise across a range of fields. They honor achievements from gastronomy to well-being and environmental responsibility, celebrating all those who embody passion for their profession.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Ryoko Sekiguchi

Sensory Awakening

With the arrival of spring and the renewed hope of getting away, we invite you to listen to the whisperings of the wind, to open your eyes, to smell delicate perfumes. Stimulating our fragrance and flavor memory helps us discover the world in greater depth. All you need is to choose your setting...


PROGRAMA DE FIDELIDAD: disfrute de las ventajas únicas de Relais & Châteaux