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The Champagne Weekend ... with a side of whisky!

The Farm at Cape Kidnappers invites you take part in a rare opportunity to taste some of Moët Hennessy new releases, paired with a beautifully crafted five-course tasting menu by renowned Chef James Honore. Our host, Champagne ambassador Nicola Clay will share insights into the various vintages on offer. Both Moët & Chandon and Dom Pérignon need little introduction, however the sybarite's excitement will dial up another notch with the addition of celebrated Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky distillery, Glenmorangie. Glenmorangie Signet is the pinnacle of the Highland Single Malt range and is the world’s first whisky to be created with a high roast ‘chocolate’ malt barley, coaxing out palpable coffee and butterscotch notes - it is truly delectable. The weekend of indulgence begins on the Friday arrival at a welcome reception and continues throughout the weekend with a special dinner carefully matched to the perfect line-up of vintage Champagnes and more. Some the vintages to be served at The Farm at Cape Kidnappers include: - Moët & Chandon Grand Vintage 2012 The House’s 74th vintage is celebrated for its maturity, complexity and charisma ​- Moët & Chandon Grand Vintage Rose 2009 A delectable and enjoyable Champagne with an airy elegance driven by its Pinot Noir heart - Dom Pérignon Vintage 2008 From a House whose name alone thrills and excites, this is a special tasting of the highly anticipated 2008 vintage - Glenmorangie Signet Dessert will be crafted to match the Single Malt’s three distinct flavours of dark chocolate, espresso and mandarin – certain to be a match made in heaven These wines and more await, for what promises to be a celebratory weekend, complete with fine food, fellowship and fun. Unashamedly decadent, this is indulgent weekend at The Farm at Cape Kidnappers is not to be missed!