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10th Stolpe hunt on horseback

The tow hunt experience in the Gutshaus Stolpe! It is a very special sporty spectacle, when the trio of riders, horses and dogs pulls their tracks through the landscape of the Peenetal Nature Park. Full of tradition, full of grace and sporting ambition, in which only the Schleppenleger is hunted, no animals! On the approximately 13 km long route Ross and Reiter overcome 18 obstacles, a deep jump and 7 steep slopes. Accompany our hunt, which has been an integral part of Stolper's event calendar for many years. Ride with your own horse or accompany the action in the coach. The accommodation of your horse is well taken care of in our horse boxes. Your hosts: Relais & Châteaux Hotel Gutshaus Stolpe Jagdherr Kurt Stürken Mecklenburger Meute Jagdhornbläser Usedom e.V. Landgut Stolpe with its vast lands and forests Program: 10 o'clock service in the stumble Wartislaw church 11 clock rendezvous in front of the Gutshaus 12 o'clock departure for the hunt approx. 15 o'clock Halali on the Amtskoppel in Stolpe (at the monastery ruin) followed by coffee and cake Costs for riders: EUR 40,- Costs for a horse box per day: EUR 45,- (reservation necessary; limited availability) Costs for hunt fans on horse carriage: EUR 40,- (reservation necessary) If you do not want to ride yourself, you can follow the hunt in the coach or in the Kremser and follow the action at the best viewpoints. In between, all parties are provided with soup and hot drinks!