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Sunset Villa

Sunset Villa


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Sunset Villa

Villa della dimora Ahilya By the Sea


4-Bedroom villa, each with 1 Queen bed or 2 Twin beds – Villa size: Approximately 75sqm / 807sqft – The villa features a common living room and verandah for playing board games, finishing that great novel, or tucking into an evening of escape – One of the bedrooms has spacious, and light filled interiors accented with stunning laterite arches and large windows looking out over Dolphin Bay – The 2nd bedroom offers a private and spacious sit-out terrace as well as its own step-out balcony overlooking the ocean – The 3rd bedroom is ideal to retire at the end of a long day. French windows open on to a balcony that stretches the length of this room, bringing in the ocean breeze and setting sun – Located on the first floor of Sunset Villa, the 4th bedroom has its own private balcony which overlooks the endless sea on one side and the Sunset plunge pool on the other – 4 En-suite bathrooms with shower, hairdryer, bathrobes, and Kama Ayurveda toiletries – Complimentary WIFI – Safety locker – Air conditioning – Overhead fan – Water bottles of 500ml are complimentary in rooms for car journeys and excursions. – Non-smoking rooms – Infant’s cot is available for children up to 2 years of age – Extra mattress available on request for children under 15 years of age with additional charges – 8 Persons including children

Servizi della dimora

  • Per preparare il vostro soggiorno, non esitate a sollecitare la struttura Ahilya By the Sea per conoscere i dettagli dei servizi e della ristorazione nella vostra villa o casa vacanza. Potrete anche accedere a tutti i servizi e le apparecchiature dell’albergo e organizzare le vostre attività con la reception.
  • Vedere tutti i servizi


Sunrise Villa

Sunrise Villa

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