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Hôtel Les Barmes de l'Ours

Hôtel Les Barmes de l'Ours

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Wellness in den Bergen zwischen Savoyen und dem Mont Blanc

Nur wer gut atmet, kann sich erholen! Und wo ist die Luft reiner als in den Alpen? Die Schneeschmelze lässt die Landschaften in leuchtendem Grün erstrahlen – ein idealer Zeitpunkt, um in den schönsten Spa-Etablissements von Relais & Châteaux der Region Savoie – Mont-Blanc neue Energie zu tanken. Unsere Spas in...
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Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Caroline Mignot

Ten Cozy Interiors to Chase Away the Winter Chill

Spend your holiday season in a winter wonderland–deep in a snowy forest or beside a tranquil lake. These ten exceptional properties offer snug getaways where you can fully experience the essence of a landscape before returning to the reassuring warmth of logs crackling in the fireplace.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Travel Travel journal Sylvie Berkowicz

Glaciers: The Frozen Ends of the Earth

It is said they contain the memory of the world. Irascible, marvelous, silent yet somehow eloquent, glaciers are stewards of ancient secrets. We would do well to treat them with respect while we have the chance, to appreciate that even to walk upon their surface is a rare and exquisite privilege.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Anne-Marie Cattelain

A Dozen Winter Wonderlands for the Holidays in Europe

Breathe in the icy air, ski, stroll amidst the drifts, unplug and steep yourself in the mountain atmosphere. Here are twelve warm, welcoming Relais & Châteaux properties in Europe’s peaks and valleys, offering sparkling winter days and nights.