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Classics Reinvented, A Weekend of Design

With new ventures, projects and books under their belts, the “dream team of design” Paul Bangay and Thomas Hamel will return to Cape Kidnappers in 2019 for the first time in four years. Paul Bangay and Thomas Hamel are ready to share their fresh and timeless design philosophies and passion with like-minded enthusiasts across an indulgent weekend of beauty, style, gardens and design, all set to the spectacular backdrop of The Farm at Cape Kidnappers in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. Paul’s gardens are renowned for their timeless elegance and classic simplicity, and his extensive projects throughout Australia and New Zealand, as well as Europe, North America and the west Indies, make him a major player on the international stage. Landscape designer, garden guru and prolific author of countless books, Paul Bangay will discuss favourite projects and ideas for designing gardens of any size. With ideas from his soon to be published book “Small Garden Design”, Paul will showcase gardens of a range of scales - from country garden properties to chic city residences, to charming and clever rooftop terrace and balcony gardens for modern apartment living. Thomas is equally international, and a master of the edit. Think rooms where layers and textures seamlessly interweave, and a crisp newness and serenity pervades - the Thomas Hamel hallmark! International designer Thomas Hamel’s will discuss his passion for “Classics Reinterpreted” – fresh and modern takes on the enduring classic style. He’ll talk you through homes where his translations of the past evolve into inspirational and relevant designs for today’s living. Expect a weekend of fellowship and fun with these international savvy designers and a top family of wine!