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Blackberry Farm
(from) US$ 1,645

Blackberry Farm

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Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards 2018: 38 award-winning Relais & Châteaux in North America

The North American winners of the Condé Nast Traveler Readers Choice 2018 have just been revealed. Based on the feedback, ratings and experiences of 429,000 readers, the results highlight some of North America’s hotel gems. Among the winners to appear on the prestigious prize list are 38 Relais & Châteaux, including 22 in the...
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Condé Nast Traveler 2018 Gold List: 25 award-winning Relais & Châteaux properties!

Every year, the illustrious Condé Nast Traveler unveils its Gold List of the best hotels around the world. Properties that leave an indelible memory that endures long after the trip has ended, where the attention to detail is clear, where the service is unrivalled and where the Maîtres de Maison have a unique sense of hospitality. This...
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Our most in demand Relais & Châteaux properties in 2016

As 2016 draws to a close, it’s time to take a look back! We’ve selected the Relais & Châteaux hotels that have been booked the most by you over the past year. The United States, Mexico, France and Italy were the four destinations that claimed all the votes. Key themes mentioned by our customers include nature and tranquillity,...
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Garden to Gourmet

From cultivating fruit, vegetables, rice and cereals, to rearing rare-breed cattle or keeping bees, the gardens and farms of Relais & Châteaux properties produce an astonishing array of organic products that are as delicious as they are healthy and beneficial for the planet.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Commitments Bee keepers Caroline Mignot

Honoring the Hives

Honey is the taste of the terroir–each jar the story of a season and the flowers that bloomed. On World Bee Day, May 20, 2023, five of our properties reveal their relationships with this liquid gold and their dedication to upholding the integrity of the natural world.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Anne-Marie Cattelain

Ten magical holiday retreats

Every country has holiday traditions that put a twinkle in the eye of the young and not-so-young. And Relais & Châteaux properties enjoy keeping these traditions alive, making festive moments more memorable and sharing the celebrations of their local cultures.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Cuisine Savour Stéphane Méjanès

The Art of Cooking Over an Open fire

Cooking over an open fire is as old as humanity’s mastery of fire itself, dating back some 400,000 years. Each region of the world – and indeed nearly every country – has its own tradition and its own distinctive name for it. Time to travel from braai to churrasco and from bulgogi to binchotan.