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La Chartreuse de Calès
(ab) / Nacht US$ 1 086,71
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La Chartreuse de Calès


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La Chartreuse de Calès

Villa des Haus Château de la Treyne


Discover the Quercy and Perigord during a lovely stay in our Chartreuse. – Beautiful 3 Levels Villa with 5 Bedrooms of a total size of 438sqm – This 17th century house is located in a small, charming village a few kilometers only from Rocamadour. – The first-floor features two Prestige rooms with 1 King bed each, sitting area and en-suite bathroom equipped with bathtub, separate shower and separate toilet. – The upper floor feature 3 Superior rooms - One of 25sqm with 1 King bed and en-suite bathroom equipped with bathtub and 2 Other superior rooms : one room of 20sqm with 1 Queen bed and the second room of 25sqm with 1 King bed with a shared bathroom equipped with bathtub and separate toilet – The ground floor features a fully equipped kitchen, a dining room as well as a very large living room with fireplace that open directly onto the garden terrace. – The property is surrounded by a park and garden of 18,700 m² and have an in-ground heated swimming pool – This villa is perfect for holidays with friends or family – The bathrooms have double vanities, makeup mirrors, bathrobes and toiletries – Complimentary WiFi – Air conditioning in the bedrooms – Maximum occupancy: 10 Persons


Pool - Piscine
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Service des Haus

  • Im Rahmen der Vorbereitung Ihres Aufenthalts können Sie sich gerne mit der Einrichtung Château de la Treyne in Verbindung zu setzen, um Einzelheiten zu Serviceleistungen und Verpflegung in Ihrer Villa oder Ihrem Ferienhaus zu erfahren. Sie können auch auf alle Dienstleistungen und Einrichtungen des Hotels zugreifen und Ihre Aktivitäten mit der Rezeption organisieren.
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Château du Bastit

Le Château du Bastit

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Château de la Treyne 44 rue des Ecoles
( Lot )
10 Reisende
5 Schlafzimmer
4 Badezimmer
438 m2
(ab) / Nacht US$ 1 086,71
Mindestaufenthaltsdauer: siehe Kalender