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Maison Pic
(from) US$ 288.78

Maison Pic



Awaken all the senses

The harmony of flavours

"I like to invite our visitors to discover the delicious cuisine of Anne-Sophie Pic. The Harmonie menu is a gentle introduction into the Chef's creative world. Starting with a vegetarian discovery consisting of Banon goat's cheese Berlingots, we will then reveal Drôme squab combined with the tangy flavours of turnips candied in honey and citron, to finish with a very white dessert nevertheless containing dark chocolate containing more than 65% cocoa. The seasons come and go but are not the same and it is a joy to share these moments in our dining room with our customers."

Astrid Thirion - Restaurant Manager

A haven of peace in the heart of Valence

"Taking time to stop at La Maison PIC, a 5-star hotel, means treating yourself to a well-being getaway. It offers refined rooms, a relaxing garden and alcoved lounges. When you stay in our establishment, you get away from the city. So take the time to discover a blend of tea signed by Anne-Sophie Pic, or lounge by the pool nestled in our green area. The garden invites you to daydream and treat yourself to a comforting break."

Arnaud Morandi - Maître de Maison

Sensory discovery at the cooking school

"Right next to the Maison Pic, discover the cooking school of Anne-Sophie Pic, Scook. All her culinary secrets will be revealed there. Pastry lessons, taken alone, as a couple or family, discovery of Asian cuisine, wine tasting... our Chef Matthew will introduce you to a wide range of curiosities.
Cookbooks, small equipment and utensils, tableware... Audrey will be happy to help you choose what will help you become a perfect cook. " 

Mathieu - Scook chef