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146 Routes du Bonheur, itineraries to discover the world

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15 Routes du Bonheur
France, Switzerland, Italy
Around Mont Blanc
France, Italy and Switzerland all look towards Mont-Blanc (15,775 ft.), Europe's majestic summit. Depending on the slope, the valley, and the season, the massif reinvents itself. For the ten days, some people may prefer long summer walks, while others opt for the endlessly varied ski slopes...
10 Nights

Italy, Switzerland
From Milan to the northern lakes, luxury and romance
Traveling the north of Italy from Milan to the small village of Orta allows you not only to bathe in a world of luxury and romanticism, but also to see southern Switzerland up close. This distinctly refined six-day journey takes you along the shores of the region’s most beautiful lakes...
6 Nights

The great lakes region, elegance Italian-style
Relais & Châteaux invites you to spend a week traveling around the great Italian lakes and though landscapes celebrated by Lord Byron, Goethe and Dante. Whether along the shore or perched on hills, the palaces, monasteries and medieval castles display an aestheticism and elegance that seem to reflect the infinite beauty of their natural surroundings. Everything here exudes sophisticated elegance!
7 Nights

Gourmet pleasures from Milan to the Côte d'Azur
The frontier between northern Italy and southern France is often but a sweet illusion! The inhabitants on both sides of the border swear by the same products and indulge in the same culinary pleasures. This week-long journey is tailored to food lovers, epicureans, and connoisseurs of truffles, Mediterranean vegetables, fish, and fine wines...
7 Nights

Italy, Austria
From Trieste to the Dolomites, the landscapes of northern Italy
Relais & Châteaux makes the most of all the pleasurable experiences northern Italy has to offer. The itinerary offers you a week of amazing discoveries, from the northernmost shore of the Adriatic to the Dolomite Mountains. Amidst this magnificent countryside, you’ll see gondolas give way to sailboats along the coast before heading north to enjoy a small “schuss” down alpine slopes...
9 Nights

Northern Italy, from the Po Plain to the Venetian countryside
Relais & Châteaux takes you on a journey through northern Italy, from the Po Valley to the gentle countryside of the Veneto region. Seven days to wind along between vineyards and the shores of Lake Garda, olive groves, palaces and picture-postcard lagoons. In order to discover Venice and all the hidden treasures in its vicinity...
6 Nights

Italy, Slovenia, Croatia
Italy, Slovenia & Croatia, treasures of the Adriatic and ancient forests
From Italy to Croatia via Slovenia, this twelve-day trip through southern Europe offers as many superb and unexpected discoveries. From the canals of Venice – known as La Serenissima – to the waters of the Adriatic from which to contemplate beautiful Trieste or the small port town of Rovinj, and the unspoiled landscapes of Slovenia’s ancient forests and Julian Alps...
10 Nights

Italy - the home of romance
Rome, Venice, Milan: three cities that collectively constitute a one-week dream trip back in time via all the Italian arts. From the remains of the Roman Empire to couture catwalks, passing through the most beautiful canals in the world, this itinerary is revealed as one of the cradles of romanticism...
6 Nights

Travel along the Tuscan coast while sharing in the fun!
Escape on a six-day family adventure along the Tuscan shore, from the sandy beaches of Forte dei Marmi to the festive quays of Porto Santo Stefano. You’ll discover another side of Tuscany, one which looks towards the sea for its many delights, from swimming and traditional regattas to amazing gardens.
7 Nights

Tuscany, between vineyard, art and old stones
Stealing away to Tuscany for twelve days means embarking on a journey to the home of the greatest artists and artisans. Day after day, the land of the Medicis reveals itself through its rolling countryside, hilltop villages, Etruscan relics, exceptional wines, and all the beauty the Renaissance provided to the world...
10 Nights