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142 Routes du Bonheur, itineraries to discover the world

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9 Routes du Bonheur
Legendary Kenyan safaris
Here more than anywhere else, time is marked by the advancing sun. Forwards through lush vegetation, at the pace of the animals. Lions, zebras, giraffes and elephants paint beautiful, surreal pictures. Distant Mount Kilimanjaro towers over the scenery which the Maasai people describe with passion.
8 Nights

Zambia, Botswana, Namibia
Desert Journey - from Namibia to Botswana, Victoria Falls and wildlife reserves
Deepest, wildest Africa. A journey taking you to the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls, on the banks of the Zambezi River in front of hippopotamuses and elephants. A safari extending through the Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in front of antelope, lions and giraffes.
12 Nights

Kenya, Beach
Kenya safari & beach for lovers
A lovers’ journey into an Africa with many faces: safari photos with lions and giraffes in Kenya, diving with Manta rays in the Indian Ocean, taking a pirogue down the Zambezi river and a moving visit toZanzibar’s Stone Town. An African honeymoon revisiting the origins of the world…
14 Nights

South Africa
Zambia, Botswana, South Africa
Victoria Falls, wild Botswana and Cape Town
Along a 2 weeks trip: Livingstone, the mighty Victoria Falls, river & wildlife activities, Hippo guaranteed. The Selinda Reserve, renowned for leopard and wild dog, and some of the highest concentrations of elephant and buffalo in Africa. The Okavango Delta for your private paradise islands, called Duba. 
14 Nights

South Africa
South Africa, Zambia
From the Cape to Victoria Falls via Zululand
10 days from the Cape to the Falls - Exclusive Cape Town, a safari and stunning landscapes in the Nambiti Game Reserve and luxury in Zambia, on the banks of the evocative Zambezi River upstream from the Victoria Falls.
10 Nights

South Africa
South Africa, Zambia
"African Triangle" - Cape Town, Kruger National Park, Victoria Falls
From Cape Town to Victoria Falls, via safari in the Greater Kruger. This 10-day itinerary takes in the resplendence of Cape Town, its beautiful setting with Table Mountain and the Twelve Apostles range, a contrasting wildlife offering and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Victoria Falls.
12 Nights

South Africa
South Africa
South Africa: Cape Town and the Greater Kruger National Park
This itinerary takes in the number 1 and number 2 destinations in South Africa: Cape Town and the Greater Kruger National Park.
10 Nights

South Africa
South Africa
Best of South Africa
Relais & Châteaux invites you on a colorful itinerary through South Africa, this exceptional land where nature and excitement combine.
12 Nights

Indian ocean
Indian Ocean honeymoon - paradise islands
A once in a lifetime honeymoon for endless memories – Relais & Chateaux has created a 10-day itinerary to two paradise islands Mauritius and La Réunion in the Indian Ocean. 
9 Nights