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Ocean House
(from) US$ 880

Ocean House

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The Forbes Travel Guide 2020 reveals its new 4-star and 5-star Relais & Châteaux

The Forbes Travel Guide has revealed its 2020 ranking of the world’s best hotels, restaurants, and spas. In its selection, the Guide has prioritized the quality of the services and the welcoming atmosphere provided to travelers. Relais & Châteaux is proud that this world-renowned reference guide for hospitality has bestowed fou...
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The Relais & Châteaux Ocean House in Rhode Island Welcomes Barbara Lynch for a Special Farm + Wine ‘Women and Wine’ Dinner in September

The iconic Relais & Châteaux Maison offers extraordinary experiences for gourmets and wine enthusiasts during a series of exquisite ‘Women and Wine’ dinners until November 2019. The James Beard Award – winner and Relais & Châteaux Chef, Barbara Lynch who is regarded as one of the world’s leading chefs and...
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Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards 2018: 38 award-winning Relais & Châteaux in North America

The North American winners of the Condé Nast Traveler Readers Choice 2018 have just been revealed. Based on the feedback, ratings and experiences of 429,000 readers, the results highlight some of North America’s hotel gems. Among the winners to appear on the prestigious prize list are 38 Relais & Châteaux, including 22 in the...
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The World’s Most Luxurious Hotels 2018 according to Forbes Travel Guide

Forbes Travel Guide has just revealed its list of the world’s most luxurious hotels. Among the selection are 6 Relais & Châteaux. Based upon specific criteria, classification involves visits being made to the properties by undercover inspectors. The level of comfort, the activities on offer and the facilities at the properties are a...
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Condé Nast Traveler 2018 Gold List: 25 award-winning Relais & Châteaux properties!

Every year, the illustrious Condé Nast Traveler unveils its Gold List of the best hotels around the world. Properties that leave an indelible memory that endures long after the trip has ended, where the attention to detail is clear, where the service is unrivalled and where the Maîtres de Maison have a unique sense of hospitality. This...
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Art of the Wedding: 7 ways to live out your romantic fantasies

With 2022 poised to be the year of the wedding, as couples finally feel free to plan the celebrations of their dreams, the newly published Art of the Wedding by Relais & Châteaux (Rizzoli) provides irresistible inspiration while showcasing the most coveted wedding locations in North America.