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Volando Urai Spring Spa & Resort
(from) US$ 435.79
Please note that the Hotel and Public Bath will be closed every Wednesday, except for Lunar New Year period where only the Hotel will be open.

Volando Urai Spring Spa & Resort

TaiwanNew Taipei City

Please note that the Hotel and Public Bath will be closed every Wednesday, except for Lunar New Year period where only the Hotel will be open.

Awaken all the senses

An unique, one of the kind life ritual experience

One thing I am so proud of is the life rituals that happen in our resort daily. No matter you come to stay as a traveller, business person, people who are longing for nature, or searching for true self; I am certain you will be amazed by our performance. According to one of our staff, there were guest found the answer one has been searching for 30 years after one watched the ritual of “Silent Chess”. 

Practicing Tai Chi at dawn, doing Yoga under the starlight

I am fascinated not only by the God’s making, but also by the view of people blend into the natural. Volando offers morning Tai Chi Practice with birds singing, and cricket chirping. imagining a traveler wakes up at dawn, practicing Tai Chi with our integration practitioner. The morning light strike on the body, brighten the mind of the traveller. 

A symphony for your palate

The fine dining experience happens when you are with the right companies, profound location, six senses unbounded, or even with a bottle of good wine. As a great painting, without the lighting, something will be missing. As our wine keeper Eddie says ”tasting life is an art, also an investment. Learning to make each unique aroma fusion in harmony is an endless lesson.”