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Akelarre – Restaurant & Hotel
(from) US$ 664.64

Akelarre – Restaurant & Hotel

SpainSan Sebastián


Awaken all the senses


Ocean Suite, your window on the horizon

Your eye is immediately drawn to the deep and peaceful ocean, which appears to stretch into infinity... Stays in the Ocean Suite mean treating yourself to the horizon. The suite features a terrace, a bathroom with a bathtub overlooking the waves, and your own swimming pool, whose waters appear to merge with the Bay of Biscay below, for moments of sheer relaxation in complete privacy.

Experience - Winery Visit 2
Experience - Winery Visit

Visit our Wine Cellar

Home to Akelarre’ exclusive wine collection, which features some of the most prestigious vintages. Hundreds of bottles from most of the world’s major grape-growing regions are stored at a steady 16 degrees temperature and displayed in a subdued lighting that sets the mood. More than 700 references of all types and for all palates, from light, crisp whites to round, powerful reds, as well as celebratory sparkling wines and history-rich sherrys. 

Experience - i+d Kitchen Visit

Visit our I+D Room and Kitchen

A space where Akelarre essence lives. As you approach a mural painted by local artist Tomás Hernández – an allegory of San Sebastian and the culinary arts -, a door opens into a new space of research, with a more relaxed atmosphere than the main kitchen. The room has been conceived to be simultaneously a place conducive to experimentation (R & D + r), and a testing ground for new and improved recipes before they make it into the menu. 

Photo with the Chef

Pedro Subijana Reza

At the end of the meal, you will have the privilege of a photo with Chef Pedro Subijana, and will take away a dedicated and autographed tasting menu.