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Ellerman House
(from) US$ 900.07

Ellerman House

South AfricaCape Town



The Forbes Travel Guide 2020 reveals its new 4-star and 5-star Relais & Châteaux

The Forbes Travel Guide has revealed its 2020 ranking of the world’s best hotels, restaurants, and spas. In its selection, the Guide has prioritized the quality of the services and the welcoming atmosphere provided to travelers. Relais & Châteaux is proud that this world-renowned reference guide for hospitality has bestowed fou...
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Condé Nast Traveler Gold List 2020: 9 Relais & Châteaux properties feature among the best hotels in the world

The American magazine Condé Nast Traveler, which is dedicated to extraordinary travel experiences, has unveiled its Gold List 2020 of the best hotels and resorts in the world. This year, 9 Relais & Châteaux properties have enchanted the publication with their ability to transform a trip into a unique experience.  In Canada,...
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Travel + Leisure World's Best Hotels lists 11 Relais & Châteaux properties

Travel + Leisure has just revealed its top 100 hotels in the world. We are proud to announce that 11 of our Relais & Châteaux properties are part of this prestigious list.  
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Go on a city break getaway before the summer ends!

And what if “back-to-work” means “traveling” and “going back” means “taking off”? All around the world, from the friendliest to the largest cities, they all reveal beautiful mysteries via alleyways or avenues. Glass, wood, and brick architectures, medinas or huge cities with countless skyscrapers, thi...
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Villas by Relais & Châteaux: The New Art of Travel

Relais & Châteaux’s collection of villas encompasses every possible kind of location – countryside or seaside, desert or mountain, even city centers – and offers a new style of stay that allows guests to effortlessly blend work, leisure and family life.


10 Palatial Villas for a Group Getaway

Whether you choose the countryside, seaside or mountains, the large villas from Relais & Châteaux can be shared by your family and friends to fully enjoy the best moments of life: escapes, vacations, long weekends and celebrations.


10 Places to Rediscover Deep Sleep

Real rest and relaxation await you after these many months of nocturnal tossing and turning and Covid-curtailed dreams. Here are 10 properties that offer true repose, as soothing as the arms of Morpheus.


South Africa : art with subject

Understanding South Africa, its history and the art which has accompanied its ongoing convulsions takes a little time, but perhaps the most important thing is to have a starting point. D'Ellerman House to Delaire Graff Estate including AtholPlace, Mr. Tripper makes us travel with the thread of art.