There are some places in the world where people live demonstrably longer than anywhere else. Scientists have been investigating why this is the case, trying to determine the role of genetic, biomedical, nutritional and lifestyle factors to understand how we can maintain better health into old age.
The achievements of a chef are no longer limited to technique or creativity: they are also a matter of principle. Chef Mauro Colagreco, vice-president of Relais & Châteaux, is dedicated to environmental responsibility, with values that run through his entire team and have sealed his reputation.
In Relais & Châteaux properties around the world, seaweed is used in a variety of ways, embodying a way to live in harmony with the sea while respecting the rich resources found therein.
Once a year, the inhabitants of the Caribbean let loose in a frenzy known as Carnival. Here’s an overview of the greatest festivities, as seen by Relais & Châteaux establishments across the region.
This year, choose a destination that takes you further – somewhere capable of transcending its own natural beauty, bringing meaning to your trip, and helping you connect to its mystery. These 22 destinations offer more to discover, with tales to tell, and people to tell them…
It is said they contain the memory of the world. Irascible, marvelous, silent yet somehow eloquent, glaciers are stewards of ancient secrets. We would do well to treat them with respect while we have the chance, to appreciate that even to walk upon their surface is a rare and exquisite privilege.