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The Sambuk Suite at Mara Nyika

The Sambuk Suite at Mara Nyika

KenyaMaasai Mara


The Sambuk Suite at Mara Nyika

Tent of the property Great Plains Mara

Experience a most unusual stay in Kenya in the Sambuk Suite at Mara Nyika. This accommodation seamlessly immerses you in this natural setting. Typical of East Africa design, it's the ideal camp for friends and family to immerse themselves in the heart of the bush and Swahili culture. During the day, the dry and sparse vegetation makes it easy to observe animals. On your return, relax in the comfort of your central living room or on the outdoor covered veranda, as you watch wildlife roaming freely in this protected ecosystem. Alternatively, enjoy a relaxing soak in the copper tub. At the end of the day, gather under the canopy–it offers both privacy and breathtaking views of the bush. Dine with the unique feeling of being alone in the world.


All meals, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, scheduled wildlife viewing activities, air transfers, asafari guide, and a private vehicle are included.
  • 2-Bedroom suite with 1 King bed or 2 Twin beds each – 220sqm / 2368sqft
  • Indoor central lounge area and outdoor under cover verandah
  • Outdoor private deck with Firepit and chairs – Balcony – Private swimming pool – View over the bush
  • A “Sambuk” is a type of dhow typical of East African traditional wooden sailing vessels, often with a distinctive keel design with a sharp curve right below the top of the prow. And so, Kenya’s brand new 2-bedroomed Sambuk Suite at Mara Nyika pays homage to the Swahili culture and language component found in this East African region. The design is characteristic of its flowing canvas roofs and welcoming space for guests to relax in
  • This 2-bedroomed suite is set away from the main camp area and up high under the tree’s canopy to offer guests awe-inspiring views out over the bush and total privacy
  • 2 En-suite bathrooms with copper bathtub and separate shower – Separate toilets – Double washbasins – Hairdryer (low voltage) – Bathrobes and slippers – Spacology bathroom amenities
  • Writing desk in each bedroom – Complimentary WIFI in the bedrooms – Minibar – Safe – Overhead ceiling fan
  • The camp layout is conducive to guests who use wheelchairs due to interconnected raised decking and pathways between rooms and the main area. There are steps between the main entrance and arrival bridge, but our staff will be on hand to assist
  • Private dining can be arranged on the deck of each room
  • High-quality Binoculars and professional camera body and lens kit for complimentary use
  • Minimum age is 6 years
  • 1 Extra bed for child from 6 to 15 years may be possible – Charges apply – 4 Adults or 2 adults and 3 Children maximum

Good to know

  • Suite adapted for people with reduced mobility
  • The return scheduled seat in plane air transfers from Nairobi Wilson or properties in the greater Maasai Mara region to this camp are automatically included in the full nightly rate - subject to a minimum 2-night stay. Where air transfers are from properties located outside of these routings, the standard applicable flying costs will apply. Every 3 night + stay includes one day’s wildlife viewing in the Maasai Mara Reserve per stay. For guests staying 1 or 2 nights only, an additional Maasai Mara National Reserve entrance fee is applicable.

We especially like

  • Experiencing a new culture
  • The healthy, varied, local cuisine of the Great Plains Mara restaurant: Mara Plains Camp | Mara Nyika Camp


Mara Plains - Wildlife 5
Awaken the senses See details
Mara Nyika Camp - Wine room and Sundowners 3
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Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Great Plains Mara to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services


The Jahazi Suite at Mara Plains

The Jahazi Suite at Mara Plains

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Great Plains Mara PO Box 28793-00100
Maasai Mara
4 travelers
2 rooms
2 bathrooms
2368 sqm