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Hermitage Hotel & Spa
(from) US$ 490.89

Hermitage Hotel & Spa



Awaken all the senses

Mid-air adrenaline rush! (Heli-skiing sessions, Matterhorn 360)

Have a go at heli-skiing! Take a helicopter up to the Matterhorn (aka Mount Cervin), one of the highest mountains in the Alps at 4,478 m altitude. From up there, you can feast your eyes on the breathtaking sight of the Alps and Mont Blanc. Launch yourself from the top on your skis for a downhill thrill alongside an experienced instructor.  Talk about an adrenaline rush...!

All kinds of bikes (heli-biking, mountain biking, electric bikes)

If cycling is second nature to you, then explore some new terrain with heli-biking, where a helicopter drops you at the top of a mountain and leaves you to hurtle back down! Take advantage of our tailor-made trails for mountain bikes, complete with various challenges to overcome. Want to take in the scenery with a smile on your face? Our electric bikes will help you reach the top without exerting too much effort! Hold on to your handlebars!


Mountain activities: ice climbing, canyoning, via ferrata

The mountains provide an ideal playing field for many sporting activities. Try scaling the frozen waterfalls of the Aosta Valley. Extreme sports enthusiasts can get back to nature this summer with some canyoning. Feel the power of the water, the rapids and the torrents. Prefer climbing steep rock faces? Take the via ferrata for an intense experience!

Starry sky: fall in love with the moon, stargazing

Enjoy watching the sky at nightfall? After dining in a mountain chalet, head out on to the moonlit slopes with members of our team to experience skiing or snowboarding at night! Then join in with our stargazing experience to observe a starry sky the likes of which you’ve never seen before! 

Snowshoeing & Pommery picnic with snowshoeing experience

After a beautiful walk in snowshoes through the snowy vegetation, you’ll be rewarded with an elegant picnic with Pommery champagne. The very height of chic!

Dog sledding

Big fan of the magnificent mountain landscape? Then seize this opportunity to explore these natural surroundings with huskies to guide you around the snowy trails and serve as your loyal travel companions! A unique sledding experience!

The soul of the mountain sculpted in wood

Giangiuseppe BARMASSE

I couldn't live far from the mountains and alpine pastures of the valley where I was born, and the everyday life there. I am inspired by fragments of the lives of ordinary people who experience strong emotions every day, like joy, happiness, sadness and suffering. This is what I try to inject into the faces of my sculptures. I emphasise details which highlight the state of my characters' souls: wrinkled foreheads, slightly parted lips, eyes open wide. The Désarpa is the work which best represents my style, and which I sometimes set aside when I create modern sculptures with clean lines, without embellishment.

Giangiuseppe BARMASSE - Sculptor