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Awaken all the senses

Picnic (4)
Picnic (2)
Picnic (3)
Picnic (5)
Picnic (7)
Picnic (6)

Picnic in the open air

The best plan for a good-weather day? Picnic in a beautiful natural setting – such as the picturesque park surrounding the Quadrille Palace. The dazzling greenery of grass and trees, the scent of garden flowers, the sound of a magnificent fountain or breathtaking view of the pond provides the perfect setting for a summer afternoon. The picnic basket full of delicacies, including light snacks, baked goods and fruits, as well as a selection of beverages. A comfortable blanket has also been included. All this nicely packed so that you can easily move, for example, to the seaside located in the vicinity.

Wedding in Wonderland
Wedding in Wonderland
Wedding in Wonderland
Wedding in Wonderland
Wedding in Wonderland
Wedding in Wonderland

Wedding in Wonderland

North of Poland, in the most beautiful part of Gdynia, there is a Palace in which literary fiction and reality become one. It is a place where you may taste the most exquisite delicacies with the White Rabbit, drink a toast with the Mad Hatter and finally, dance a refined quadrille and experience the magic of Wonderland… What a beginning of a new way of life!

Down the rabbit hole (1)
Down the rabbit hole (3)

Down the Rabbit Hole

Feel invited on an unusual journey into the depths of your inner self, in a concentrated and relaxing atmosphere of the sounds of Tibetan bowls and gongs. The instruments used and their implementation derive from distant countries of the Himalayas region and have a highly positive influence on body and mind. They remove tiredness, soothe thoughts and calm nervous tension, as well as enhance self-awareness.

Art and history sites (1)
Art and history sites (5)
Art and history sites (4)
Art and history sites (3)
Art and history sites (2)

Art and History

Design lovers will find in the Quadrille Palace a number of stylish elements which were created by world-known designers and the most reputable suppliers and manufacturers – wallpapers, furniture, lighting, tiles, etc. simply seduce all visitors. Art and culture experience can be deepened while discovering Pomerania region with numerous monuments and museums easily reached from the hotel.

Away from it all ! (1)
Away from it all ! (4)
Away from it all ! (5)
Away from it all ! (3)
Away from it all ! (2)

Away from it all!

Indulge yourself in soothing views of the park and it’s awe-inspiring old trees. Enjoy walking around the picturesque pond and listen to the birds singing and to the murmuring of the fountain. Breathe, relax and feel the magic communion with nature.