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2-star Michelin chef for Heinrich Schneider of Terra: An ode to Mother Nature!

Italy at an altitude of 1,622 metres with a panoramic view of the Dolomites. Nature in all its glory is the backdrop for the staff holding court in the kitchens of Terra at Auener Hof, a sleekly designed modern structure featuring wood and light colours that give the whole scene a chic and refined feel.
The ground that fuels his inspiration, Mother Nature nurtures Chef Heinrich Schneider, who recently earned his second Michelin star. Each and every day he unearths her secrets and brings out the essence by both elevating and intensifying. Therein lies the very meaning of his restaurant's name, Terra, or "earth", because the earth is what gives this chef all the herbs he loves picking around the property. He even insists that "[he is] fascinated by untamed nature" and thinks "harvesting isn't just a job, it's a necessity and an inspiration for [his] cuisine". He draws out the divine substance from this "untamed nature" to serve fragrant dishes that are as masterful as they are beautiful to the eye.
And he could not do it without help from his sister Gisela Schneider, an amazing sommelier who pairs the food from a meticulously selected wine menu. The wine cellar is on the top floor and can be seen through huge bay windows that make it blend in with the dining room. Living proof that wine and food pairings work well together as do this brother and sister duo, and they are carrying on a family tradition like a wonderful testament to love!

Discover Terra at Auener Hof

Terra - The Magic Place

Terra - The Magic Place

Terra - The Magic Place

Terra - The Magic Place

Terra - The Magic Place

Terra - The Magic Place