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Terra - The Magic Place
(from) US$ 373.61

Terra - The Magic Place



Awaken all the senses

Nature is my herb garden

Heinrich Schneider

Sarcodon imbricatus (shingled hedgehog), yarrow, Iceland moss, wood sorrel…there are so many herbs and mushrooms growing around our house. My passion is cooking for our guests with produce you can't find in shops. I pick up to 40 different wild herbs. For me, they are some of the most exciting ingredients in cooking. The big challenge is putting them together in dishes appropriate for haute cuisine level. Before offering a new menu, I perform tests for months.

"Die Stoanernen Mandln" (The Stone Men)

Gisela and Heinrich Schneider

"In the morning when nature is waking up, I like to sit next to the Stoanernen Mandln. I enjoy the 360° view of the beautiful South Tyrol mountains, the Dolomites, and Ortler, and I listen to the birds chirping and breathe in the scent of the many mountain herbs. For me, it's a unique place. This spot has a particular appeal, being a sacred place for the Celts, the site of witch dances in the Middle Ages, and a place of energy in the modern era. The Stoanernen Mandln are just a 75-minute walk from Terra - The Magic Place. "

Gisela and Heinrich Schneider - Maître de Maison

A fascination with the mountains and the Italian art of living

For me, South Tyrol is one of the most wonderful living spaces in the world. I'm fascinated by the traditional mountain world, the art of Mediterranean living in the town of Bolzano, and the proximity to excursion spots. At least once a year, I treat myself to an opera at the Verona Arena, go sailing on Lake Garda with my family, or escape to Venice. There are so many amazing places which are easily accessible from our house to take day trips.

Karl Manfredi - Owner
Italy - South Tyrol
Spa - Terra The Magic Place
Spa - Terra The Magic Place
Italy - South Tyrol

Moments of well-being in the spa

On the top floor of the Terra – The Magic Place hotel, you can find the spa in a bright and sun-filled space. Reap the benefits of special treatments and unique wellness rituals. Revitalize your body with a full body massage using stone pine, arnica, or alpine herbs. Relax in the jacuzzi or the Finnish sauna. Enjoy an herbal steam bath. The Terra – The Magic Place spa is also the perfect spot to take in a sunset over the Dolomites.

Gazing at the stars

At Terra – The Magic place the view of the sky is exceptional. No artificial light to disturb the scene, just the simple grandeur of nature.

The living traditon

The Sarentino Valley is well known for the beautiful landscapes, the traditional clothing, the living tradition as well as for the traditional craftsmanship.

Wellness & Spa

There is no 2000 m² wellness space with murals on the walls and artistic rockeries here. Our wellness area is also not deep down in the cellar, but high up in the main house. Here you can sit by the whirlpool and revel in sundown over the Dolomites, dreaming in one of our floating beds or enjoying a great read in our quiet zone. Our two saunas, the Finnish sauna and the herbal steam bath, have been designed to accommodate two people. We want you to relax in the sauna and not have to share these precious moments with 10 other guests. Afterwards you can curl up in the hay and enjoy the time out.

We propose special signature treatments using local essential oils, dwarf pine, local silver quartzite and glacial minerals.