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Blanket Bay
(from) US$ 1,554.20

Blanket Bay

New ZealandGlenorchy



This February, Relais & Châteaux Welcomes Eight New Properties

Eight new members from around the world have come to join the Relais & Châteaux family. Thanks to their marvellous locations, the charm of their architecture, their singular histories and the talents of their chefs, these exceptional properties offer travellers a wealth of new horizons to explore. We invite you to discover them as we take...
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More than a Hotel Room

What makes a room truly outstanding? Unique details, local craftmanship, or perhaps the sense you’re immersed in a bygone era. Or maybe it’s all about mesmerizing views beyond the window, from your bath or hot tub. Here are the top picks from Relais & Châteaux.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Travel Be Inspired Graeme Green

The Call of the Wild

From the jungles of India to the rugged coasts of New Zealand, travelling to see wild animals in their natural habitats doesn’t just create magical memories–it can also support vital efforts to protect endangered species and other remarkable creatures for future generations to enjoy.


Turn Up the Heat!

For couples looking to keep the romance alive, these escapes will keep things hot (literally) during the cooler months of winter. From a steaming soak in Polynesia to a hot stone massage in Canada, this is a world tour of the most romantic winter warming experiences.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Travel Travel journal Jane Knight Jancee Dunn Sylvie Berkowicz

To the ends of the earth: 22 destinations to explore in 2022

This year, choose a destination that takes you further – somewhere capable of transcending its own natural beauty, bringing meaning to your trip, and helping you connect to its mystery. These 22 destinations offer more to discover, with tales to tell, and people to tell them…