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Blanket Bay
(from) US$ 1,298.63

Blanket Bay

New ZealandGlenorchy


Awaken all the senses

Blanket Bay Horse Riding

Upland riding

On a western-style horseback ride, visit our nearby sheep and cattle upland ranch. Exclusively at Blanket Bay, we offer you the opportunity to discover the Lodge and its surroundings in an extraordinary return to nature. You'll enjoy the unique and fascinating personalities of Rio, Bella, Braveheart, Pablo, Cosmo, Merlin, Vince and Razzy, who are eager to meet you and show you around their home in this amazing rural environment.

Blanket Bay Dart River Jet

Jet boat ride in the heart of nature

Departing from our private dock, board a jet boat and follow our guides as they authentically recount the rich history of the area, the Greenstone Track, and countless Maori legends. Buckle up, feel the acceleration, and take in the breathtaking scenery on an exhilarating ride through glacier-fed rivers. Make a short stop on land to breathe in the scent of the forests made up of century-old beech trees and let yourself be enchanted by their atmosphere and exceptional natural setting. You might recognize it from The Lord of the Rings.

Blanket Bay Greenstone Valley Helifish

World-class fly fishing

Ideally located near several of New Zealand's iconic trout fishing rivers, Blanket Bay was originally built to celebrate the passion of its owner, Tom Tusher, for fly fishing. From lakes to major rivers, from slow-moving pools to rapids and streams, you'll be spoiled for choice during this exciting activity. You will also have the opportunity to take a helicopter from the lawns of Blanket Bay and fly to the most remote rivers in the south of New Zealand. Here, you’ll be blown away by some of the best fly fishing spots in the world.