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Villa Rinu no Mori
(from) US$ 2,027.52
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Villa Rinu no Mori



Villa Rinu no Mori

Villa of the property Tenku no Mori

Completely transparent, Rinu No Mori is a Japanese villa which redefines the experience of communing with nature in the incredibly serene setting of Tenko no Mori. A luxury retreat perched on a hill in the middle of a forest, it is home to only five villas, each perfectly isolated from the other. With such intimate privacy, enjoy the peace and quiet of an outdoor shower on the edge of the lush forest, gaze up at the sky from the bed or watch the sunset from the warm waters of the onsen and lounge with leisure on the wooden deck. Beyond the boundaries of time, stays here will need only follow nature’s glorious rhythm.


  • Bathing in the outdoor shower feels liberating, as if you were naked in the forest, letting the rain wash you.
  • Villa size: 74 sqm
  • The villa is composed of a bedroom with 2 Single beds and a living room with 1 Double bed.
  • The bedroom, living room, and outdoor onsen are arranged in a line, and unlike the big gardens of the other two villas, here you are surrounded by the lush growth of tropical rain forest. It’s the ideal villa for spending a quiet time.
  • Fireplace – Terrace
  • En-suite bathroom with indoor and outdoor hot spring bath – Separate shower – Separate toilet – Makeup mirror – Hairdryer – Bathrobes and slippers – Toiletries
  • Complimentary WiFi – Flat screen television – Telephone
  • Air-conditioning – Refrigerator – Safe
  • 1 Extra bed possible – Charges apply – 4 Persons maximum

Good to know

  • Valet parking is available
  • Both 9- and 18-hole golf courses are nearby
  • The retreat is accessible to guests with reduced mobility

We especially like

  • Reconnecting with nature and oneself
  • The luxury of Japanese minimalism
  • Admiring the many views overlooking the forest, with Mount Kirishima rising in the background
  • The innovative cuisine, prepared with ingredients from the surrounding nature, at Tenku no Mori’s gourmet restaurant

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Tenku no Mori to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services


Villa Tenku

Villa Tenku

Villa Akanesasu Oka

Villa Akanesasu Oka

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Tenku no Mori 3389 Syukukubota, Makizono-cho
899-6507, Kirishima
( Kagoshima )
4 travelers
1 room
1 bathroom
797 sqft
(from) US$ 2,027.52