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Palazzo Seneca
(from) US$ 205.39

Palazzo Seneca



Awaken all the senses

Truffle Cave

Undoubtedly the most well-known and typical activity in Norcia all year around, home of the prestigious black truffle.Together with the quarryman and his dogs, in the Monti Sibillini National Park you will live an authentic experience which will involve all your senses and will end up with a tasty picnic.

Eros Bartolini - Receptionist, in charge of special missions - Translator

Biking and trekking

My favourite excursion starts from Castelluccio, 1,500 metres above sea level. The plateau is known for the "blossoming", an event that attracts visitors from all over the world. The path climbs up to the top, on the crests of the Sibylline mountains, from which Norcia can be seen in the distance. The return, downhill, can be done by different paths, depending what you want and your capabilities. During the walk, it is common to come across the many animal species that inhabit the national park of the Sibylline mountains.

Francesco Capozucca - Guide

Cooking classes

The cooking school supervised by selected chefs will lead you to the discovery of the typical Italian and Norcia cuisine’s recipes and secrets. Menus and special classes are available upon request followed by an informal tasting at the end. 

The ‘Norcineria’ art and tour of local producer

Come and discover the origins and secrets of the old art of Norcineria. We will visit the pig farm of one of the most excellent local producer and we will then know the story and technique of meat processing. A fanciful tasting of cold cuts will follow. 

Cheese School

Knowing the art of Norcia dairymen will be an experience which will throw you back in time. Together with our trusted producer, you will cheese by yourself. A knowledge passed down from one generation to another is finally available to everyone. 

Luxury car experience in the truffle land

Whether you are a car enthusiast or just want to feel luxurious for a day, fulfil your dream of owning a sport car! Visit the Green Heart of Italy and live a Black Truffle experience all year round in an elegant mansion of XVI century with its Michelin restaurant, Vespasia.