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Le Relais Bernard Loiseau – Spa Loiseau des Sens
(from) US$ 343.94

Le Relais Bernard Loiseau – Spa Loiseau des Sens



Awaken all the senses

spa Loiseau des Sens  @JonathanThévenet HD (3)
Thevenet 2019 (110)

Villa Loiseau des Sens, an exceptional spa in the heart of Burgundy

Margaux Koziel

Spanning 1,500 m2 over 4 floors, Villa Loiseau des Sens is one of the most successful spas of its time and one of the most impressive in Europe. Enjoy a unique gastronomic experience in the Loiseau des Sens health-pleasure restaurant and make local (treatments incorporating Burgundy blackcurrants) and multi-sensory discoveries. The state-of-the-art equipment at this haute couture spa has been selected for its quality and performance. The phlebological itinerary, bubbling beach, aqua bikes, Hydronox sofa and massage alcoves, in addition to the sauna, hammam, experiential shower and ice fountain promise to leave you feeling exceptionally rejuvenated. I highly recommend the 70 m2 private VIP spa for honeymoons! 

Margaux Koziel - Spa Manager
Bussy Rabutin_ Photo Alain Doire_Bourgogne Tourisme
Abbaye Fontenay - Alain Doire Bourgogne Tourisme
Hospices Beaune

Morvan: wild, invigorating nature

Dominique Loiseau

Halfway between Paris and Lyon, the Relais Bernard Loiseau is on the edge of the Morvan Regional Park. This large expanse of forest is a place of breathtaking beauty: I often call it a mini Canada! It is very green, thanks in part to its huge pine forests - it is France’s main pine producer. The Morvan is also punctuated by large lakes and mountains. The landscape is so beautiful here that people come from all over the world to enjoy outdoor activities such as climbing, cycling, horse riding, rafting, sailing, golf...

Dominique Loiseau - Maître de Maison
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A gastronomic hotspot since Roman times

Pascal Abernot

The town of Saulieu is part of France’s gastronomic heritage. From Roman times to the era of the horse and carriage to the car age, the town of Saulieu has always been a stopping off point for travellers. Grands Chefs have shaped the history of our Relais & Châteaux, such as Alexandre Dumaine and Bernard Loiseau. Today, the Grand Chef Patrick Bertron champions two areas close to his heart - Brittany (where he is from) and Burgundy (where he used to live) - providing an experience full of emotion. 

Pascal Abernot - Restaurant Manager