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La Pyramide Maison Henriroux
(from) US$ 205.40

La Pyramide Maison Henriroux



Awaken all the senses


The Gallo-Roman city

Numerous archaeological remains bear witness to the storied past of Vienna, which became a rich and powerful Roman city in 66 BCE. The Temple of Augustus and Livia, in the heart of the city, is a must for history lovers and culture aficionados. They will also not want to miss the Roman roads, the Odeon, and above all, the amphitheater–the largest in the Roman province of Gaul after that of Autun, in Burgundy–which remains remarkably well preserved and can accommodate up to 7,500 people.


Textile Industry Museum

While Vienna is renowned for its ancient and medieval monuments, the city is perhaps less well known for its industrial history–although it is rich and fascinating. For more than two centuries, the city was the epicenter for the production of woolen material and Renaissance fabrics. With its collection of antiquated equipment, some of which is still in operation, the textile industry museum puts the spotlight firmly back on the city's craftsmanship, a little-known but essential stop on the famous Silk Road.


Explore the ViaRhôna by Segway

The ViaRhôna is a cycle route that runs along the Rhône, from Lake Geneva all the way to the Mediterranean, via Vienna. Discover the most beautiful landscapes of the region, aboard a fun and ecological electric vehicle: the Segway. During a one-hour journey–or perhaps a longer circuit that takes in the Côte-Rôtie vineyards–you will pass through delightfully well-preserved, verdant locations, completely off the beaten track. Enjoy this experience as a couple, with friends or as a family.


The vineyards of Côte-Rôtie and the market garden plain

Treat yourself to a bucolic excursion among vineyards, amid pure, rejuvenating air, just a few minutes’ drive from the hotel–a destination guaranteed to satisfy the taste buds of oenophiles and epicureans. Enjoy tastings offered by the most prestigious estates, as well as smaller, family-owned farms. Remind yourself of the simple pleasures of harvesting fruits and vegetables from the ground, from the very growers who supply our restaurant.


Summer Jazz Festival

For more than 40 years, Vienna has celebrated music and cultural diversity with its annual Jazz Festival. Each summer, during the first two weeks of July, prestigious artists from around the world perform day and night in destinations steeped in history. Soak up the magic of the Roman amphitheater, one of the largest of the empire, at nightfall, when the air resonates with the most beautiful classic and contemporary jazz riffs.

The Chief Patrick Henriroux

Visiting La Pyramide is, first and foremost, discovering the universe of chef Patrick Henriroux. His cuisine is in his image: generous, driven by the search for pleasure and the satisfaction of his guests.  In constant contact with his producers, he has at least 60 suppliers all less than 20 kilometres from the restaurant.  The son of a farmer, he has always remained enthusiastic about products from the earth and is fond of visiting the Vienne market –the “3rd largest in France”– on Saturday mornings. There he finds his inspiration, a form of escape before getting into the kitchen to delight your taste buds.