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Awasi Patagonia
(from) US$ 2,346.67

Awasi Patagonia

ChileTorres del Paine


Awaken all the senses

expe 1

Romantic Patagonia

How will Patagonia make you feel? How about romantic... Doña Carmen cherishes the land as much as she does her husband, Patagonia only serving to bring the two of them closer together. As with any relationship, Patagonia embraces both sunshine and showers. As our friend Doña Carmen can testify! 

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Follow in the footsteps of explorer Florence Dixie

Like British explorer Florence Dixie, who traveled across Patagonia in the 19th century, Kura, your hiking guide will show you the beauty of this land. Explore Patagonia’s uneven terrain on foot and revel in its infinite grandeur. 

Francisco Girado - Guacho

Local Gauchos

Cristian Asun

“Ride across the patagonian steppe accompanied by local gauchos from the neighbouring Estancia…impregnate yourself with the raw Patagonia in a vast and fascinating landscape, experimenting the same sensations that captivated the first explorers that arrived into the region more than 100 years ago guided also by « Baqueanos », it is a unique and breathtaking experience”.

Cristian Asun - Leader Guide
exp 5

Good and beautiful in this world

“Organic vegetables from the surrounding region, morcella mushrooms and paramela plants from our private reserve, lambs from the nearby estancia…you will have the chance to taste them all through our local and seasonal menu, with the most amazing view you´ve ever seen”.

Francisco Girado  - Puma
Francisco Girado  - Puma
Francisco Girado  - Puma

Puma Spotting

Awasi Patagonia is located in the unique environment of Torres del Paine National Park, which is a refuge for wildlife harbouring species like the puma. However the animal is exposed to several dangers outside the boundaries of the park. Awasi Foundation has helped restore the natural habitat of native species, and now between 9 and 12 pumas roam the area. While staying with us, you can experience your first sighting of a puma in the wild. You have to get up early to have a chance to see the shy dune-coloured animal. You will cross the open valley that spreads at the foot of Awasi Patagonia before reaching the lakeside of Lago Sarmiento. Our guide will help you spot the gracious feline, resting here with its cubs in the morning light after a night of hunting.

Sierra Baguales
Sierra Baguales
Sierra Baguales

Vast and Undiscovered Patagonia

“Baguales represents the immensity of Patagonia, the border with our nearby country, the snowy and sharp peaks. It is nature in its maximum expression that shows us how insignificant we are. Visit this unique place and imagine travelling 23 million years ago when it was covered by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.”