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The Ranch at Rock Creek
(from) US$ 2,300

The Ranch at Rock Creek

United StatesMontanaPhilipsburg


Awaken all the senses

Winter Activities

The Ranch at Rock Creek is open year-round, offering guests a robust activity offering during Montana’s snow months. Activities include downhill skiing and snowboarding at nearby Discovery Ski Area, which is a 30 minutes drive from The Ranch. Nightly rates include all transfers to/from the mountain, lift tickets, and rental gear. Discovery was ranked as the No. 1 hidden ski gem in North America by National Geographic. Activities on The Ranch’s property include snow showing, cross country skiing on the 20 miles of groomed trails, fat tire biking, snow mobiling, horse-drawn sleigh rides, horseback riding, snow cat tours, ice skating and more.

Horseback Riding

With 6,600 acres to explore and miles of trails, there are always new adventures for all riding levels. After you get fitted with boots and a hat, our wranglers ensure you are comfortable on a horse that matches your experience level. Our small group size ensures we are not a nose-to-tail property. There are opportunities for trotting and loping on all trails, contingent on rider ability and comfort level. Longer half and full-day rides are offered for intermediate and advanced riders when scheduled in advance.


The Ranch hosts a weekly summer rodeo in the Camp Roosevelt Arena, complete with professional cowboys and “rough stock” events. The festivities start with a cowboy social hour near the horse barn. Enjoy beverages and snacks and get the chance to mingle with the rodeo athletes prior to the event. Then, watch from the stands as cowboys ride bucking broncos or rope galloping steers. Cheer on your favorite wranglers as they race around the barrels and dash through poles. Events such as wheelbarrow races and boot tosses get the audience participating in the fun. After the show, meet the cowboys and cowgirls on the Buckle Barn lawn for a rodeo barbeque.

Fly Fishing

Whether you’ve dreamed of Montana fly fishing for years or you’ve yet to cast for the first time, you will not be disappointed by the opportunities on our namesake Rock Creek. Four miles of private access and pristine river frontage on this freestone mountain stream boasts seven species of fish: Westslope cutthroat, rainbow, cut-bow, brown, brookie, bull and the Rocky Mountain whitefish. Rock Creek is famous for its salmonfly hatch starting in late May and lasting into July, as well as additional hatches including mayflies, golden stoneflies and caddis fly. Our licensed and trained fishing guides are excited to share their professional expertise and personal passion for fishing. They go above and beyond to ensure that your fishing experience is both enjoyable and successful.


Using GPS devices and coordinates, individual guests and groups locate hidden boxes on thousands of acres of beautiful ranch land. Adults and families choose between intermediate or expert levels, allowing them to customize their search by ability and time constraints. Little Grizzlies Kids Club members search for six creek-side boxes while learning about nature, history, geography and topography. “Hiking with a purpose” is a great way to become acquainted with our corner of the Treasure State. Caches can be customized for private events, like corporate retreats or family reunions. The clues lead guests toward tailored secret messages or a grand prize.

Mountain Biking

All guests receive a cruiser or mountain bike upon check-in for easy transportation between the Granite Lodge, the Rod & Gun Club and accommodations. The Ranch also offers the opportunity to try one of Western Montana’s favorite sports, mountain biking. Options range from an easy pedal along Rock Creek Road to challenging single-track trails. Staff is available for instruction and guided journeys. If you prefer the excitement of a downhill adventure without the sweat of an uphill climb, we have shuttles to bring you and your bicycle to the top of a thrilling 1,000-foot descent. 

Trap & Skeet Shooting

Our outstanding Trap and Skeet course is a quick-trigger challenge game designed to test the reflexes of the shooter. Skeet shooting is a fast game consisting of nine fixed shooting stations and two fixed traps, or target throwers. The shooter rotates through the stations shooting singles and doubles for a total of twenty-five shots per game. Our trap shoot consists of five shooting lanes with varying degrees of difficulty and one fixed trap, or target thrower. The trap oscillates to create new challenging positions between shots. Each new shot varies in angle and height. Participants in a “singles” game of trap will shoot five targets from each of the five stations. In a “doubles” game the competitor shoots at five pairs and ten targets at each of the five stations.