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La Signoria & Spa
(from) US$ 362.68

La Signoria & Spa



This property is annually closed. Reopening on 4/16/25

Awaken all the senses

Yoga by La Signoria

Committed to respecting everyone as individuals, each session offers something different in the form of a personalized program geared around meditation, postures and breathing exercises, so as to improve your awareness of how these various elements influence your personal well-being.

A tree house with a view

Could you be tempted by an unusual suite perched in the trees? Constructed entirely from chestnut wood, this air-conditioned tree house of 26 m² has been elegantly decorated inside. The bedroom is complete with a bathroom, with both a shower and a bath for maximum comfort. The highlight of this standout bedroom is the 20m² balcony, which boasts breathtaking views over Bonifatu forest, one of the most ??? spots in Balagne!

VTT Experience

The Balagne by bike

The Balagne, a hilly region that stretches between the Nebbio and the Filosorma, offers more than 137 miles of mountain bike trails officially categorized by the French Cycling Federation. Between the mountains and the seaside, discover the maquis shrubland accompanied by a guide, either with the family or alone for the more adventurous among you, and let yourself be intoxicated by the scents of myrtle, olive groves, and orange trees that you will find along the way.


The Gulf of Porto by boat

We invite you to discover the splendor of the Gulf of Porto, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here you can admire the Scandola nature reserve with its superb red granite cliffs, the Gulf of Girolata enveloped in greenery, and the famous creeks of Piana, whose peaks rise nearly a thousand feet above the sea.


Hiking in the Bonifatu forest

Enjoy the coolness of the Bonifatu forest, located 20 minutes from La Signoria.  Simple walkers and experienced hikers alike can explore these awe-inspiring mountain cirques crossed by the mythical GR20 trail For just a few hours or all day long, go for a walk in an enchanting setting, and picnic in the shade of the trees before taking a delightful swim in the river.


Discover little Corsica

Highly perched on the flanks amidst the magnificent landscapes of Haute-Corse, the villages of the Balagne region each have their own charms. In Lumio, enjoy the central square, the small pedestrian streets, and the breathtaking view of the bay of Calvi. In Pigna, a village of craftsmen, explore the auditorium built within an ancient cattle pen. Enjoy a homemade lemonade in San Antoninu, the highest village in the area, and visit the Marcasso Convent in Cateri.