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Pikaia Lodge
(from) US$ 3,350

Pikaia Lodge

EcuadorGalapagos Islands


Awaken all the senses

Jacuzzi YACHT
Lounge area YACHT
Dinning Area YACHT
Main room YACHT
Yacht Main
private yacht

Private Yacht Excursion

Take a trip on board the vast private yacht M/Y Vision Pikaia. Bask in the sun in its jacuzzi or contemplate the panoramic ocean views from indoor and outdoor lounges. Each day it embarks on voyages to explore the unique landscapes and perfectly preserved environments of two islands. Stroll on the beaches, take a hike in the Galápagos National Park, or dive beneath the waves to discover its fascinating marine biodiversity.


Exp 2 - Giant Tortoise
south plazas
twin craters
Exp 2b
experience / animals
tunel de lava

Highlands Tour

We take you on a tour of the highlands of Santa Cruz island. First, you will visit the twin craters, which are two large volcanoes that formed right next to each other. You will also be taken to el Chato II. This is a tortoise farm where you will get really close to these giant creatures and see them roaming around in their natural habitat. Some fascinating lava tubes are located nearby. You will be able to walk through a section of these tubes, which were formed millions of years ago due to the outer layer of the erupted lava cooling while the centre still flowed.

Exp 3 Tortuga Bay
Romantic Picnic on the Beach-15
Picnic couple
Animals Blue Footed Boobies
experience / animals
tortuga bay drone

Tortuga Bay

Enjoy a half-day excursion to one of the most beautiful beaches in the Galapagos, Tortuga Bay. You can either trek through the dry forest or take a boat from the port to reach this amazing beach. You will admire the beauty of the white sand and stunning blue water. You can also take surfing lessons, go snorkelling or kayaking. While relaxing on the beach you will be able to observe many animals.

Jacuzzi 1
jacuzzy night

Sumaq Spa

An oasis of wellness and calm with a view of the Pacific Ocean, the Sumaq Spa welcomes you into its relaxing atmosphere for an experience that indulges the senses. With its minimalist, Japanese-inspired, zen style, it is the perfect place for soothing the body and mind. Let go of stress, relax, cleanse your body, and be pampered during a solo or couple's massage. Enjoy the whirlpool bath and jacuzzi or improve your fitness and tone in the gym.