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Indian Ocean honeymoon - paradise islands
9 Nights
A concierge is at your service:
Price of a local call

A honeymoon dreams are made off, two island paradises in the Indian Ocean to explore. First Mauritius, with its blindingly white sand, blue lagoons, unscathed coral reefs and stunning natural beauty. And then La Réunion, off the east coast of Africa, with its laid back Réunionese people a rich culture abounds. The island’s spirited sense of adventure will draw you in, its lush forests, turquoise waters and striking landscapes so characteristic of this unique island.

4 hours
1 Mauritius — 5 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant

20 Degrés Sud Boutique-hôtel

Pointe aux Canonniers - Mauritius 36 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant on the seafront. A delightful colonial mansion, nestling in a coconut grove right at the water’s edge, is home to a tastefully appointed, charmingly refined little hotel. The soft, neutral shades of Flamant Home Interiors furniture in its individually designed guest rooms stand in brilliant contrast to the blue of the sea and green of the coconut palms, instilling deep feelings of peace and seclusion. The restaurant, also at the water’s edge, serves delicious creole and international dishes. However 20 Degrés Sud Boutique-hôtel has two more treasures in store: the M/S Lady Lisbeth, the oldest motorboat on the island which, when evening falls, takes a party of guests to dine under the stars on the calm waters of the bay. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 430.27
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4 hours
2 Reunion Island — 4 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
03 - Facade Blue MArgouillat
Hotel + Restaurant
02 - Facade Blue Margouillat 01
Hotel + Restaurant
04 - Facade Blue Margouillat 02
Hotel + Restaurant
08 Pisicine
Hotel + Restaurant
12 Jardin et piscine
Hotel + Restaurant
15 - Espace Détente Jardin 2
Hotel + Restaurant
19 - Chambre Grand Large 1
Hotel + Restaurant
21 - Chambre Grand Large Salle de Bain
Hotel + Restaurant
23 - Chambre Grand Large Terrasse vue Ocean
Hotel + Restaurant
24 - Chambre Grand Large Terrasse
Hotel + Restaurant
25 - Suite Créole
Hotel + Restaurant
28 - Suite Créole Salon
Hotel + Restaurant
29 - Suite Créole Solarium
Hotel + Restaurant
31 - Suite Créole
Hotel + Restaurant
32 - Suite Créole Spa
Hotel + Restaurant
35 - Piscine Coucher du Soleil
Hotel + Restaurant
39 - Table restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
42 - Table restaurant 6
Hotel + Restaurant
48 - Ambiance Nocturne 4

Blue Margouillat Seaview Hotel

Saint-Leu - Reunion 14 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant on the seafront. Blue Margouillat Seaview Hotel is a Creole-style property sitting on the heights of Reunion Island’s Saint-Leu. Overlooking the Indian Ocean, its horizon stretches into infinity — only a few rare clouds sweeping across the blue immensity. Exotic woods furnish the spacious rooms and suites and decorate the salons and restaurant. The latter is where you can enjoy delicious dishes composed of local spices and flavours. Small inland fish, garden herbs? Here, happiness is epicurean. From the gourmet delights and special attention paid to guests to the individual spa tubs in the luminous suites, you will feel as if in a dream, flying over the vast ocean. ... Learn moreless

(from) US$ 291.29
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Photos: © Guillaume Baudusseau on Unsplash