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At the dawn of time: Equator & the Galapagos Islands
14 Nights
A concierge is at your service:
Price of a local call

As you visit volcanic landscapes and travel from Andean peaks to the Pacific Ocean, this journey between Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands represents an incredible voyage into the heart of unspoiled nature that is wild yet welcoming. A return to origins that allows you to get close to amazing animals and their protectors...

160 miles
780 miles
53 miles
1 Quito — 3 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Casa Gangotena
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Plaza de San Francisco and Church and Convent of San Francisco at night, Old City of Quito, Ecuador, South America
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant

Casa Gangotena

Quito - Ecuador 31 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in town. In the famous Plaza San Francisco, Casa Gangotena brings new life to this mansion that once belonged to one of Quito’s most illustrious and influential families. Its neoclassical architecture, recognized as part of the Old Town’s UNESCO World Heritage status, wraps around a charming patio adorned with palm trees and an original fountain. Inside, rays from the Andean sun bathe the art deco-style rooms in shimmering light. Reflecting the splendor and elegance of a golden age, they boast antique mirrors, painted ceilings, and sumptuous wall frescoes. From the rooftop terrace, as you sip a delicious local coffee or signature cocktail, you may catch a glimpse of the snow-capped summit of Volcán Cayambe. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 372.84
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Wood, glass, sleek design: a simple but welcoming décor, in tune with the cheerful atmosphere of this restaurant, which concentrates first and foremost on the food on the plate and has built up a clientele of regular customers. Wilson Alpala, Ecuadorian Chef who joined Zazu after spending the first years...

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Climbing Guagua Pichincha

Climbing Guagua Pichincha

Guagua Pichincha is more than just a volcano; it’s also a paradox! Although the volcano threateningly shook the capital in 1999, a number of dwellings still cling to its verdant slopes at an elevation of nearly 10,000 feet. At 15,728 feet, its peak is relatively easy to reach. From the top, travelers...

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The TelefériQo to the top of Quito

The TelefériQo to the top of Quito

Riding the TelefériQo to the top of Cruz Loma at daybreak offers you the most beautiful view of Ecuador’s capital. This effortless twenty-minute ascent from an elevation of 10,000 feet to 13,000 feet will provide you with a panoramic view of Quito, a capital city that spreads out precariously over the...

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160 miles
780 miles
53 miles
2 Guayaquil — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Front view 2
Hotel + Restaurant
FRONT view
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Hotel + Restaurant
The Orchid
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
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Lobby 3
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Signature room
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Park Suite Bathroom
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Hotel + Restaurant
restaurant 2
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
outside seatings
Hotel + Restaurant
outside seatings
Hotel + Restaurant
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Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
External Drone shot 2

Hotel del Parque

Guayaquil - Ecuador 44 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in a park. Imagine a veritable time capsule hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the great Pacific port of Guayaquil. In the 1980s, historic buildings threatened with destruction were moved, rebuilt and renovated plank-by-plank on the banks of the Daule. Hotel del Parque was one of these buildings. Today, you can discover it standing elegantly, wrapped in the tropical bosom of a vast botanical garden. Sitting on the waterfront, the hotel’s restaurant, Casa Julián, specialises in the finest seafood and freshest fish. Having embraced the local culinary tradition of soups and stews, its chef is also known to skilfully play with the flavours and textures of avocado, banana and cocoa. ... Learn moreless

(from) US$ 199
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Discover a unique collection of pre-Columbian artifacts

Discover a unique collection of pre-Columbian artifacts

Inaugurated in 2003, the Anthropological Museum of Contemporary Art exhibits a splendid collection of pre-Columbian artifacts. Surrounded by modern architecture, 50,000 archaeological artifacts consisting of numerous jewelry pieces, ceramic objects and other statuettes are exhibited along with more than...

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Discover the White City cemetery in Guayaquil

Discover the White City cemetery in Guayaquil

This cemetery is without a doubt one of the most beautiful in South America. Once past the entrance, a path lined with palm trees leads families and visitors back to another place in time. It wasn't until 1888 that this “White City”, as the locals call it, began accepting all the city’s social classes....

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160 miles
780 miles
53 miles
3 San Cristóbal, Galápagos Islands — 7 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
1.2 Origin & Theory
Hotel + Restaurant
1.1 Origin&Theory
Hotel + Restaurant
1.3 Origin
Hotel + Restaurant
1.4 Hall
Hotel + Restaurant
1.5 Library
Hotel + Restaurant
1.6 Boutique
Hotel + Restaurant
1.7 Gym
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1.8 Main Lounge
Hotel + Restaurant
1.9 Main Lounge
Hotel + Restaurant
1.10 Main Lounge
Hotel + Restaurant
1.11 Main Lounge
Hotel + Restaurant
1.12 Main Lounge
Hotel + Restaurant
1.13 Bar
Hotel + Restaurant
1.14 Coffee & Tea Station
Hotel + Restaurant
1.15 Dining Area
Hotel + Restaurant
1.16  Exterior Lounge Darwin Deck
Hotel + Restaurant
1.17 Exterior Lounge Bridge
Hotel + Restaurant
1.18  Sundeck
Hotel + Restaurant
1.20  Sundeck
Hotel + Restaurant
1.21  Jaccuzzi
Hotel + Restaurant

Ecoventura - Galapagos

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno - San Cristóbal, Galapagos - Ecuador 30 rooms

This property is open.

Luxury cruises on the ocean. Sometimes you need to get away from it all to truly understand and appreciate the world. Gaining a new perspective is exactly the experience that Ecoventura offers in the sublime waters of the Galapagos archipelago. During one-week cruises aboard its three yachts – the Origin, Theory & Evolve by Ecoventura – guests explore the Galapagos National Park, one of the very first UNESCO World Heritage sites, in a unique and environmentally responsible way. To respect this delicate ecosystem, the three ultra-modern vessels each accommodate just twenty travelers, making for exclusive and intimate expeditions for seven nights. Whether kayaking, paddle-boarding, snorkeling, or simply during shore excursions on the islands in small groups, professional naturalist guides will introduce you to the exceptional local flora and fauna. Ecoventura’s approach reflects the status of these islands as the ‘last sanctuary of natural life’, as famed oceanographer Jacques Cousteau described them. Every guest plays a critical role in their preservation. ... Learn moreless

(from) US$ 3,000
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Dive with Manta Rays

Dive with Manta Rays

The Galapagos Islands benefit from their exceptional location at the convergence of the major ocean currents. The archipelago is a true paradise for divers, who will get to swim close-up with a multitude of fish and cetaceans. Among the 400 species identified in the archipelago’s waters, specialists...

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Whales from starboard

Whales from starboard

The Galápagos National Park includes twenty different species of whales and dolphins depending on the time of year. Humpback whales (between November and December) and blue whales (between July and August) provide great joy to anyone who has the pleasure of seeing them. You will also see many killer...

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160 miles
780 miles
53 miles
4 Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos Islands — 2 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
1. Official Main Pikaia Photo
Hotel + Restaurant
Jeremy sunset
Hotel + Restaurant
Yacht Main
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Pikaia - Relais
Hotel + Restaurant
Lodge ext 5
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Pikaia - Terrace tortoise
Hotel + Restaurant
Pikaia - Pool terrace

Pikaia Lodge

Galapagos Islands - Ecuador 14 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in the country. Built using sustainable methods and materials, Pikaia Lodge is a model of elegance and ecology on the island of Santa Cruz, in the heart of the Galápagos. Its rooms and suites, with their simple and refined design, all feature floor-to-ceiling windows with inimitable views of the lush coastal hills. Some even come with a private balcony and plunge pool, perfect for relaxing in complete privacy after a day of exploration. On the ground floor of the contemporary main building, discover two stylish spots to unwind. Opening onto a dreamy infinity pool, the Lobby Lounge is ideal for enjoying a drink while gazing at the sea. Or head to the Homo Sapiens Lounge to peruse its fine collection of books and films on the Galápagos Islands, as well as its temporary exhibitions on local history. Exploring this archipelago in an eco-responsible manner has never been so luxurious. ... Learn moreless

(from) US$ 3,730
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Visit the Charles Darwin Research Station

Visit the Charles Darwin Research Station

Recognized internationally for its giant tortoise breeding program, this research center permanently accommodates some 200 scientists. You can visit various sites, such as the baby tortoise nursery, or the land iguana pen. Educational exhibits present the work of the scientists and volunteers, and their...

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Giant tortoise encounter at the El Chato Reserve

Giant tortoise encounter at the El Chato Reserve

At the heart of the archipelago, wild animals have accepted the presence of humans, and vice-versa. At the El Chato Natural Reserve, everyone appears to go about their own business. You can walk along with a guide and observe giant tortoises in complete freedom. These imperturbable centenarians give...

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Dallas Krentzel [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)]; TriiipleThreat [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.fr)]; Gérald C. [CC BY-SA 4.0] https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en; Pixabay [CC0 1.0 (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en)]; Edgar José Rosero Villacís [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en)]; Josuadaniel [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.es)]; (c) diego_cue [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]; [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.fr)];