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Discover all our Chefs
Relais & Châteaux Chef

Nathan Rich

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

Nathan Rich

Twin Farms

Barnard - United States

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Chef Relais & Châteaux

How did you become a Chef?

I started cooking with my parents at a young age. I started my first professional job cooking at the age of fifteen. At that point, I knew I wanted to be a Chef. After I completed school, I apprenticed for four years at The Balsams Grand Resort in New Hampshire.

How would you define your cuisine?

Our cuisine at Twin Farms is localized and farm focused. We work very closely with our gardener on property and all the local farms in the area. Our mission is to provide support to the local community and farms in our area.

What are your favorite products and criteria for choosing?

All of our dishes are based on seasonal fruits and vegetables. Our inspiration comes from the gardens and local farms. We have local farmers that produce specialty products just for Twin Farms. Our local beef is a Wagyu - Black Angus cross-breeds. We have specialty grain fed Berkshire Pigs from a local farmer. All of our proteins are found within a 40-mile radius of the hotel, which we take great pride in.

What is your signature?

One of our key signatures at Twin Farms is that we keep the food light, fresh and clean. Our guests don’t leave the property for several days and dine three times a day with us. We produce a tasting menu every night for dinner without menus. Each course throughout the night is a surprise and our guests love the creativity throughout the meal.

What professions surround you and what would you like to pass on to them?

I personally take a hands-on approach and close personal coaching. This is a daily interaction with the team members.

Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Nathan Rich

Twin Farms

  • Expression of the terroir