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Discover all our Chefs
Relais & Châteaux Chef

Damir Pejčinović

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

Damir Pejčinović

Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery

Bale - Croatia (Hrvatska)

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Chef Relais & Châteaux

How did you become a Chef?

I believe that being able to make people instantly happy through food made me fall in love with cooking and choose this profession. Working with your own hands, creating something, and seeing the results of your work right away is very rewarding.

How would you define your cuisine?

My menus are determined by my love for the Mediterranean cuisine. With each dish I create, I strive to be innovative, yet stay true to myself by preparing uncomplicated, honest food made with fresh produce.

What are your favorite products and criteria for choosing?

One very important point when creating a new menu is basing it on the ingredients and techniques used by many generations in that specific region and building your own story on top of it. Most products simply taste better in the location where they are grown or produced. In Istria, those products are truffles, Kvarner langoustines, shellfish from the bay of Lim, great cheese, and charcuterie from neighboring villages.

What is your signature?

One of my signature dishes is the double ravioli with truffles and celery, swimming in lardo infused milk. That dish represents the terroir and flavors of Istria, combining truffles and pigs that are used to find them.

What professions surround you and what would you like to pass on to them?

To lead by example should be the way to live and to work. I believe that teaching your team how to respectfully and completely use every ingredient is something crucial in our industry. Reducing waste and using sustainable practices adds value to the result and the community.

Do you have a Chef’s tip for Sunday cooking?

For a quick Sunday meal, clean and debone some fresh sardines. Make a tempura batter by emulsifying one egg yolk and oil. Add a cup of flour and cup of cold sparkling water, mix gently to combine, and don’t forget the salt. Fry the tempura coated sardine filets in hot oil, and serve with preferred steamed veggies and lemon herb mayonnaise.

Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Damir Pejčinović

Meneghetti Restaurant

  • Creative cooking