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Tembo Plains Camp

Tembo Plains Camp

ZimbabweMana Pools Region


This property is annually closed. Reopening on 31/03/2025

Awaken all the senses

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Guided excursions

Early mornings or late afternoons are the best times to explore these vast, wild expanses. Led by experienced guides, by foot or in a four-wheeled vehicle, you’ll encounter the animals and birdlife of the Sapi reserve. Follow in the footsteps of buffalos, elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras, waterbucks, eagles and baboons, and you’ll feel in harmony with nature, and experience unique adventures that will forever remain etched in your memory.

Elliot Nobula - Guide
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Tembo Plains - Canoeing 2

Water safaris

The river is a living entity in its own right, packed full of animal life. Board Tembo Plains Camp’s private boat, in the company of an experienced guide, and you will encounter solitary crocodiles or herds of hippos in the waters of the Zambezi. Depending on the water level, you can watch this ballet of the river's inhabitants during a dawn cruise, or embark as the sun sets while sipping a cocktail.

Diesie Siampambra - Boat Captain
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Discover a biosphere unique in the world

Formerly dedicated to hunting, the Sapi private reserve is now a sanctuary dedicated to the preservation of its fauna and flora, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Located to the west of Mana Pools National Park, it is today one of the most densely populated animal sanctuaries in Africa. Enjoy the wild and unspoiled beauty of its 830,000 acres, from which you will bring back breathtakingly beautiful photographs and unforgettable memories.

Hayden Westley - Maître de Maison
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“Tembo Plains Camp’s philosophy of wellness goes beyond the touch of the wellness concierges. It harnesses the healing power of nature – from the bush spa that opens out onto the wilderness, with the songs of fish eagle and hippo splashing in the water, and an uninterrupted of the riverbank from the massage table, to treatments that speak to all the senses and utilise products that are uniquely African, organic, vegan and sensual. It extends to the wholesome, nutritious and mindful meals made from the freshest ingredients, to promote energy and health, and the yoga mats and stationary bicycle on your private deck, letting you connect to nature while exercising.”

Primerose Ganda - Wellness Coordinator