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The Swag
(from) US$ 692

The Swag

United StatesWaynesville


Awaken all the senses

Hiking & Exploration 13
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Hiking & Exploration 12
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Hiking & Exploration 5
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Hiking & Exploration 2
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Hiking & Exploration 1
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Hiking and Exploration

Bordered by the old growth forests and ancient mountains of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, The Swag’s 250-acres of preserved woodlands provide the perfect setting for adventure or relaxation. You can spend your day hiking the miles of trails on The Swag’s lush property, visiting The Swag Pond, relaxing in one of the private hideaways nestled along the trails, or delighting your senses in The Swag’s ridgetop garden. Or, you can venture across the fence line - steps away from your room - into the 500,000-acre National Park.  Whether you are looking for solitude or adventure, the inspiring sights, sounds, and smells will provide you with natural inspiration in every direction.


Expert Experiences 3
Expert Experiences 1
Expert Experiences 2
The Swag - Stave Puzzle 1
The Swag - Stave Puzzle 2

Expert-Led Experiences

Throughout the year, The Swag hosts Experts-in-Residence who help provide magic and memories in every visit. The Swag hosts naturalists, storytellers, musicians, artists (watercolor, printmaking, or photography), and more. These experts provide an opportunity for guided hikes in the morning with additional classes, performances, or lectures before dinner.

Horseback Riding
The Swag - Horses at Picnic

Horseback Riding and Fly-Fishing

With thousands of acres to explore on horseback at The Swag, in the National Park, or at the neighboring Cataloochee Ranch, our guests can enjoy all-day or half-day private rides or group trail rides. Guests can also venture off-property to experience the great fly-fishing that Western North Carolina offers. A guide will pick you up at The Swag and transport you to a nearby river or creek to provide you with an amazing fishing experience.