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Relais & Châteaux and Duval-Leroy award the "Sustainability 2022" trophy to to Borgo San Felice, a medieval hamlet converted into a hotel, located at Castelnuovo Berardenga, Tuscany

Involved in encouraging initiatives in favor of sustainable development, Relais & Châteaux and Duval-Leroy present the Sustainability Trophy to Borgo San Felice for its organic farm “L’Aia e l’Orto Felice”, a social and inclusive farming project.

Hotel Borgo San Felice comprises an entire medieval hamlet surrounded by the splendid Chianti hills. Besides the accommodation provided in the fine old houses around the period chapel, Borgo San Felice has two restaurants and its own farming estate with a farmyard and a vegetable garden. The organic farm, called “L’Aia e l’Orto Felice”, aims to develop sustainable farming while being a medium of social inclusion. The vegetables of the garden are grown by young people with disabilities, supported by seniors from the surrounding villages. This intergenerational exchange fosters the passing-on of traditional know-how and enables these young people to gain independence through work.

Relais & Châteaux - Borgo San Felice - Luxury Hotel Toscana - L'Orto e l'Aia Felice Relais & Châteaux - Borgo San Felice - Luxury Hotel Toscana

The sharing of experience and emotions is also central to the project. The chef Juan Camilo Quintero, is involved in selecting what is grown. Over the seasons, everyone happily sees the vegetables sprouting thanks to the meticulous care the young people give to the plants. Once the vegetables are harvested, their flavors are immediately used in the dishes prepared by the chef. The farmyard is organized in the same way. 
“L’Aia e l’Orto Felice” are a blessing for all the teams at Borgo San Felice as well as for its guests. The concept has the magnificent power of strengthening the family spirit in the noblest of ways, by showing openness to others.



Borgo San Felice - Duval-Leroy Champagne - Sustainability Trophy 2022 Relais & Châteaux Borgo San Felice - Duval-Leroy Champagne - Sustainability Trophy 2022 Relais & Châteaux

The Duval-Leroy family has sustainably cultivated an exceptional wine estate in Champagne since 1859. Its vineyard flourishes in the land of the great chardonnays, respectful of nature, and gives birth to champagnes that glorify the terroir. Aware of the importance of protecting the environment, it’s the first champagne house to have created a certified organic cuvée brut. A pioneer in “oenoclimatism”, the Duval-Leroy house has obtained the Sustainable Wine Growing in Champagne label, and the High Environmental Value certification.