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Bellevue Syrene 1820
(from) US$ 456.48

Bellevue Syrene 1820

ItalySorrento (NA)


Awaken all the senses

Pompeii, Herculaneum, UNESCO World Heritage status

Archaeological sites of incredible significance, Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried in the ashes from Vesuvius in 79 A.D. Wander between the magnificent ruins of stalls, houses, baths and temples in this Roman era city. Time stopped suddenly, but it left the remarkable evidence of a Roman city and its various everyday activities to posterity. Some of the murals and mosaics can still be seen in situ, but the majority are kept at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, like the countless artefacts found on site.

Sorrento and the Sorrento Coast

On a tufa terrace extending into a turquoise sea, the peninsula of Campania facing Capri is scented with orange trees, lemon trees and orange blossom. Among cliffs, coves and elegant sprawling villas, the landscapes here are breathtaking and characterised by vineyards and olive trees on terraces adapted for the terrain. Any escape here will be remembered for the villages of Sant’Agnello, Meta, Massa Lubrense and Sorrento, whose historic centre is well worth a detour.

Traditions and expertise: Sorrento's limoncello

Sorrento is indissociable from its famous limoncello. This lemon liqueur, made from lemon zest, alcohol, water and sugar, has a lovely yellow colour reminiscent of beautifully sunny days! Only lemons from the peninsula and surrounding area can be used in the production of this liqueur. Enjoy chilled and in moderation over the summer!

Delving deep into history

Discover the remains of ancient Rome by visiting the caves beneath the property, to reach Ninfei a mare. The Romans enjoyed coming to this place to relax.
It's still possible to experience this splendour today.

The song of mermaids

Enjoy the sunset on the terrace which drops steeply to the sea, and let the cocktails served by our barmen and the sound of the waves intoxicate you.
You can almost hear mermaids singing...

Gaspare Gargiulo - Restaurant/Bar Manager

An intimate dinner date with the sea

Ivan Ruocco

Let us be your guide to discovering the treasures of our sea.
The aromas and flavours of our dishes will lead you through the coves of the Sorrento coast as if you were out at sea on board a "gozzo", the typical boats of the region.

Ivan Ruocco - Chef