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Le Phébus & Spa - Villa des Anges
(from) US$ 274.94

Le Phébus & Spa - Villa des Anges



Awaken all the senses

Le Phebus & Spa -07062
Le Phebus & Spa -07113

Spa ILA & Végétalement Provence

Discover a wide range of beauty treatments developed with the expertise of the ILA & Végétalement Provence Spa: lavender oil and salt scrub, shea butter wrap or hot stone massage. A spa area of 400m2 consists of three treatment booths, and includes a duo room, rest area, herbal tea area, steam bath, aqua-fun area, shop, gym and fitness trail. Take the time to reconnect with yourself, and embark on an external and inner journey towards the well-being of mind, body and soul.

Cooking class with chef Xavier Mathieu

Discover the taste of Provence by taking part in a cookery course hosted by chef Xavier Mathieu. One-on-one, or small groups can be accommodated–each class will be adapted to the level of the participants. Start by accompanying the chef on a trip to the market before developing tasty Provençal recipes, combining tradition and modern techniques, and learning a few secrets of his craft. This is an opportunity for Chef Mathieu to transmit his know-how, and share his passion for the region’s flavors.

Helicopter flight over the Luberon

Fly over the Luberon in a helicopter to discover its amazing cultural sites. The three Cistercian abbeys of Senanque, Silvacane and Thoronet, the lavender fields, the Provencal Colorado and Roussillon ochres... the show is breathtaking. In addition, you can enjoy a stop at a wine estate for a tasting and finish with stunning views of the Pope's Palace in Avignon.

Isle sur la Sorgue

Explore Isle-sur-la-Sorgue

Known as the 'Venice of the Comtat' region, the village of L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue quickly seduces with its Provencal charm. Crossed by two tributaries of the Sorgue river, the village's pedestrianized streets and historic buildings make it the perfect place for relaxed strolls along its quays and amid its waterwheels. The unmissable Sunday market is a flurry of colors and flavors, while L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is also paradise for bargain hunters – the second-hand dealers who gather in 'Les villages des antiquaires' enjoy a global reputation, while the International Antiques Art&You Fair takes place there in the fall.


The chef's table d'hôtes

Go behind the scenes of a gourmet restaurant: this is a unique experience where you will enjoy a unique immersion in the heart of the establishment. By dining at the chef's table d'hôtes, you get a front-row seat to all the energy, action and aromas of the kitchen, while tasting a menu that pays homage to tradition.


Discover the region in a vintage car

From behind the wheel of a vintage car, travel the roads of Provence: discover the richness of the Luberon, its vineyards, and its unique panoramas of lavender and wild scrub. Take a break to appreciate the landscapes, their colors and aromas. Then enjoy the picnic prepared by chef Xavier Mathieu. The proximity to Châteauneuf-du-Pape invites you to take a route through the vineyards of the Rhône Valley. Le Phébus & Spa can also arrange for an experienced sommelier to introduce you to the art of oenology and lead you through a tasting of the region’s wines.