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Le Ponant - Mediterranean

Le Ponant - Mediterranean



Awaken all the senses

6 MAIO DJI_0470PO150123_le_ponant_seychelles©PONANT-Julien Fabro

4 different itineraries

Length of cruise: 8 days/7 nights – Number of departures for this destination: 25


1st itinerary: The Cyclades – In the Wake of Le Ponant

Itinerary: Roundtrip from Athens – Le Ponant will sail the Aegean Sea in July 2024 and from June to July 2025. This itinerary is given for informational purposes only and is subject to change.

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Tinos: The Hidden Cyclades

This jewel of the Cyclades is a pilgrimage site for Orthodox Greeks and has been sheltered from tourism. What a joy to stroll its stone villages, the white walls covered in brilliant bougainvillea. You will be dazzled by the delicacy of the ornate dovecotes standing among century-old olive trees along the quiet lanes.

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The Cultural Heritage of Monemvasia

The majestic peninsula of Monemvasia, the pearl of the southern Peloponnese, is home to a magnificent fortified medieval village. Sheltering both Eastern and Western influences, this tiny town is a treasure trove of Byzantine and Venetian architecture. Stroll along the ramparts and down the charming streets swathed in warm shades of ocher.


2nd itinerary: Croatia, under sail aboard Le Ponant

Itinerary: Roundtrip from Dubrovnik – Le Ponant will sail the Adriatic Sea from August to October 2024 and in August 2025. This itinerary is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change.

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The Island of Vis: The Uncommon Adriatic

Your sailboat drops anchor at Vis, a little-known islet off the beaten tourist paths. The tender takes you over to Komiza, the Adriatic’s oldest fishing port. Stroll between the venerable cut-stone houses and quaint shops before gazing at the wooden boats as they are silhouetted against a spectacular sunset.

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Fascinating Dubrovnik

Enjoy the perfect conditions for discovering or rediscovering Dubrovnik. The tender takes you to the medieval city, avoiding the crowds, where you drink in a matchless panoramic view as the sun sets over the city’s white stones. Then wander aimlessly through the narrow lanes of the historic old town, losing yourself while never being lost.


3rd itinerary: Island-Hopping aboard Le Ponant, from Athens to Dubrovnik

Itinerary: from Athens to Dubrovnik – Le Ponant will sail between Greece and Croatia in July and August 2024 and July 2025. This itinerary is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change.

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The Enchanting Ionian Islands

Fiskardo, on the island of Kefalonia, is a warm, welcoming floral paradise, bewitching you with its charming, Italian-influenced port lined with colorful houses. Near the pretty port of Gaios, discover Paxos, a botanical sanctuary rising from the sea. This island, home to ancient cypresses and olive trees, has preserved traces of its sumptuous Venetian past in its fascinating architecture.

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Historic Epirus

Igoumenítsa is a charming port village facing Corfu. From the coastal path, take in beautiful views of the Emerald Island. This stopover gives you the chance to visit the archaeological site of Gitana in exquisite natural surroundings, as well as the Holy Monastery of Giromeri at Filiates, perched like an eagle’s nest high on a wooded mountain slope.


Itinerary n°4: Corsican shores under the sails of Le Ponant

Itinerary: Roundtrip from Nice - Le Ponant will sail along the shores of Corsica from September to October 2025. This itinerary is given for informational purposes only and is subject to change.

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Saint-Florent, between the mountains and the sea

Located in one of the most beautiful gulfs of the Mediterranean, Saint-Florent reigns over pristine nature. This former fishing village, nestled in the heart of remote countryside, between the mountains of Haute-Corse and the Agriates desert, has become a popular seaside resort, thanks to its beautiful sandy beaches, yet it has lost none of its natural serenity. At the tip of the coast, the Mortella Tower, built in the 16th century by the Republic of Genoa, watches over your tranquility.


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Bonifacio, between natural and cultural treasures

Balanced on white rocks sculpted by the wind, Bonifacio looks over the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean. Once considered impregnable, the city–which presides over the southern tip of this beautiful island–now attracts history lovers and aesthetes, who can stroll through the cobbled streets of the ancient upper town and on the open-air medieval walkway. Not far from the center, idyllic beaches and secret coves beckon you to relax and dive beneath the surface.