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Domaine de Rymska & Spa
(from) US$ 266.92

Domaine de Rymska & Spa



Awaken all the senses


Wake to the sound of nature

The touch of a button is all it takes to open the curtains and reveal windows opening onto the panoramic tranquility of the Burgundy countryside. The Nature Room at Domaine de Rymska & Spa, designed like an oval placed on the edge of the pond, offers a sumptuous spectacle from its bed: nature awakening across 180 degrees. Here, expect no telephone or television–here, soaking up the environment is a unique privilege.


Electric bike ride

The roads through Burgundy are enchanting in their great diversity. Thanks to nearly 600 miles of bicycle paths, cycling is one of the best ways to enjoy the region. Combine idyllic discovery—countless eye-catching splendors dot the surrounding countryside—with the benefits of cycling, by biking the greenway along the Canal du Centre at your own pace. And if certain climbs turn out to be more difficult to negotiate, don't worry: the Property has everything planned. It offers you the possibility of renting a wonderful electric bicycle for a full or half day.

Vignes - Climats de Bourgogne

Climats de Bourgogne

Domaine de Rymska invites you to experience its remarkable age-old heritage while finding out how each "climat", or plot of vines, gives life to a specific wine. After this first stop, you’ll traverse the famous "climats de Bourgogne" through charming vineyards and picturesque villages. Make a stop to visit the cellars and taste the wines of Couchois, Côte de Beaune and Côte Chalonnaise. Just mentioning these names enraptures the senses of all impassioned enologists and fine wine enthusiasts.


Visit the domain's stud farm

Rymska is first of all a story, that of a filly, who became a great champion in France and in the United States. Her birth, the first at the stud farm, earned her the honor of having the Domain named after her. Driven by his passion for breeding purebred horses, Éric Feurtet likes to share with his guests his love for the place, which now has twenty broodmares. Join him on a visit during which he will share some of his knowledge with you, as well as his enthusiasm for this unique environment, and this healthy, peaceful and idyllic life. Mounts, boxes and meadows will no longer hold any secrets for you, and you’ll come to understand why the soul of this property is inseparable from the presence of the horses and the tranquility they provide.