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139 Routes du Bonheur, itineraries to discover the world

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19 Routes du Bonheur
Canada East
Quebec, the call of nature
To escape for a week-long trip between Montreal and Quebec City is to discover the "Belle Province", its infinite landscapes, and to open yourself up to a unique culture and identity. Could Quebec be the ideal meeting point between civilization and nature?
6 Nights

Western Canada, escape and adventure in the wilderness
A two-week trip to Western Canada is an escape into the heart of a wilderness that is loved and protected by its inhabitants. Its two weeks of escape and adventure away from others, and perhaps even a reawakening to the world...
10 Nights

At the dawn of time: Equator & the Galapagos Islands
On this itinerary through Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, Relais et Châteaux invites you on an extraordinary voyage through time.
14 Nights

Peruvian Treasures, from the Larco Museum to the Amazon
At the heart of Peru, Relais & Châteaux offers you an itinerary full of contrasts, from the alleyways of the capital to the hairpin bends of the Amazon River.
5 Nights

Peru : through Peru's most beautiful sites
My Route du Bonheur… through Peru's most beautiful sites : Lima, Machu Picchu, Cusco
8 Nights

Argentina, Chile
Argentina and Chile, along the Andes Mountains
Alexandra Marnier Lapostolle de Bournet's story straddles two continents: Europe and South America. Alexandra is part of the sixth generation to devote themselves to the famous Grand Marnier liqueur, which was created by her great-grandfather in 1880. She went on a long trip to the "New World" in the early 90s with her husband Cyril de Bournet, with the idea of finding new land and producing great wines. Of all the territories they visited, one place particularly fascinated them: Apalta in the Colchagua Valley, Chile... Twenty-five years after discovering this continent, Alexandra Marnier Lapostolle de Bournet gives us her Route du Bonheur, offering the opportunity to discover both sides of the Andes Mountain Range. Such a different mountainous and desert world between Argentina and Chile. As Alexandra points out, on the Argentine side, the Andes descend in a very gentle way, with pink and clear colours. You can admire some of beautiful sunset views over the mountain sides. They create more of a steep relief on the Chilean side. The colours are darker, but the rivers flow towards the Pacific Ocean. A 
12 Nights

From Argentina to the traditional estancias and the magnificent Patagonia
Stay in Relais & Châteaux and discover the best of Argentina amidst the Pampas, the Andean Cordillera and the majestic Patagonia!
15 Nights

Rajasthan, the country of princes
Explore the wonders of "The Land of Kings” on this 11-night Relais & Châteaux itinerary.
11 Nights

Zambia, Botswana, Namibia
Desert Journey - from Namibia to Botswana, Victoria Falls and wildlife reserves
Deepest, wildest Africa. A journey taking you to the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls, on the banks of the Zambezi River in front of hippopotamuses and elephants. A safari extending through the Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park in front of antelope, lions and giraffes.
12 Nights

Legendary Kenyan safaris
Here more than anywhere else, time is marked by the advancing sun. Forwards through lush vegetation, at the pace of the animals. Lions, zebras, giraffes and elephants paint beautiful, surreal pictures. Distant Mount Kilimanjaro towers over the scenery which the Maasai people describe with passion.
8 Nights