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Nayara Springs
(from) US$ 401.10

Nayara Springs

Costa RicaLa Fortuna de San Carlos



Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Award 2018: The Caribbean, Central America and South America

A reference in the field of travel, the Condé Nast Traveler has revealed its annual Readers’ Choice Award for the Caribbean, Central America and South America. This year, Guatemala, Peru, and Costa Rica embody the spirit of Relais & Châteaux. Destinations chosen especially for their cultural traditional and breathtaking scene...
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Travel + Leisure World’s Best Hotels 2018 lists 16 Relais & Châteaux hotels

This is the list that really matters in the world of travel, the one that showcases the jewels in the global hotel industry's crown. With prizes presented at a prestigious annual awards ceremony organized by Travel + Leisure magazine and based on a survey of its readers, the World’s Best is a list of the 100 best hotels in the world. From...
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Nayara Springs in Costa Rica: loved by TripAdvisor travellers!

9th in the Top 25 Best Hotels in the World, 8th in the Top 25 Luxury Hotels in the World, 2nd in the Top 25 Hotels for Couples in the World… So many accolades for one individual hotel. And what a hotel!
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9 new Relais & Châteaux members, 2 new destinations!

Relais & Châteaux is proud to present its newest members. Two new destinations have broadened our range of countries: Bulgaria and Réunion. Costa Rica has gained another property in the heart of the tropical jungle, as has Sri Lanka, which has opened unique accommodation in the Yala national park. These new hotels share a proximity...
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Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Travel Delicious Journeys Sylvie Berkowicz

The Magic Formula for a Life Well Lived

There are some places in the world where people live demonstrably longer than anywhere else. Scientists have been investigating why this is the case, trying to determine the role of genetic, biomedical, nutritional and lifestyle factors to understand how we can maintain better health into old age.


Carbon Neutrality: A Stepping Stone To A Regenerative Future

Travelers today face a dilemma between the desire to enjoy unique experiences and their ability to live according to their ecological convictions. How can they reconcile this environmental responsibility when the very principle of travel is to move from one place to another?

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Jeanne Dréan

Well-Being: Tradition, Art, and Culture

In almost every culture around the world, it’s possible to find time-proven practices that honor physical and spiritual ancient well-being rites and provide a chance to discover a land’s historic and cultural treasures. This world tour offers ways to reconnect with ourselves and others.