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(from) / night US$ 2,346.67


ChileTorres del Paine



Villa of the property Awasi Patagonia

In the Villa of the Awasi Patagonia all-inclusive lodge, enjoy a unique and intense experience facing the infinite expanse of Patagonia. Located in a private Chilean reserve, this luxury villa is the perfect port of anchor to discover condors, guanacos and perhaps even pumas. During the day, follow in the footsteps of British explorer Florence Dixie, who crossed Patagonia in the 19th century. Upon returning, bask in the warmth of this villa, adorned in light wood and inspired by traditional Patagonian huts. The immensity and purity of this majestic nature will stir the emotions, memorialising the incredible encounter had with the legendary puma on the shores of Lake Sarmiento.


  • Spacious 2-Bedroom villa, each with 1 King bed or 2 Twin beds – 90sqm/970sqft
  • Wood burning fireplace, central heating, safe and minibar
  • Outdoor hot tub with view of the forest, Lake Sarmiento and Torres del Paine National Park
  • The common areas with the restaurant, the reception and pleasant lounge areas are only a few meters away
  • En-suite bathroom with bathtub and separate shower, bathrobes and slippers, hairdryer and toiletries
  • A private 4x4 vehicle and guide are assigned to each Villa in our all-inclusive package
  • 1 Extra bed may be possible – Charges apply – 3 Persons maximum

We especially like

  • The magnificent landscape of Torres del Paine National Park
  • Celebrating Awasi Patagonia’s mission, a true refuge for fauna and flora


expe 1
Romantic Patagonia See details
Follow in the footsteps of explorer Florence Dixie See details
Francisco Girado - Guacho
Local Gauchos See details
exp 5
Good and beautiful in this world See details
Francisco Girado  - Puma
Puma Spotting See details
Sierra Baguales
Vast and Undiscovered Patagonia See details

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Awasi Patagonia to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services


Master Villa - 2 Bedrooms

Master Villa - 2 Bedrooms

Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Awasi Patagonia Estancia Tercerra Barranca s/n.
Torres del Paine
( Region de Magallanes )
3 travelers
1 room
1 bathroom
969 sqm
(from) / night US$ 2,346.67
Minimum length of stay: consult the calendar