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Sommeliers Relais & Châteaux

Romain Bourger

Sommelier Relais & Châteaux- Relais & Châteaux

Romain Bourger

The Vineyard

Newbury - United Kingdom

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Sommelier Relais & Châteaux

During his catering school studies, he gained work experience at Hotel du Vin in Winchester and came back after graduating to spend the next year and a half working and improving his wine knowledge. After a stint at as a Commis Sommelier in L’Arnsbourg, France, a 3 Michelin starred restaurant, he joined The Vineyard as Assistant Sommelier in 2010 and was promoted to Head Sommelier in 2013.

What is your personal adage?

It is very important to me that our guests leave the hotel having had a unique food and wine matching experience. Looking after them from the time they arrive until the time they leave is key to their enjoyment.

What are your all-time favourite wines?

Weingüt Egon Müller, Riesling kabinett, Scharzhofberger, Mosel, Germany, 1990

I went to the estate last year, and have always liked their styles of wine. The1990 vintage shows that Riesling can age exceedingly well.

Saumur Champigny, Domaine des Roches Neuves, La Marginale, Loire Valley, France, 2008

This wine has a great complexity, good body and balance, and is a fantastic example of Cabernet Franc.

What wine and food pairings do you think go best together?

1. Norwegian Skrei cod, peas, broad beans, pecorino fondue paired with Muscadet de Sevre et Maine Sur Lie, Luneau Papin, Le “L” d’Or, Loire Valley, France, 2005
To me, Muscadet is regarded too often as a poor quality wine ; it gained this reputation due to the mass production cooperatives. The reality is that Muscadet can be a fantastic wine to enjoy with food. This example confirms it. With 2005 being the current release, it offers a great freshness which pairs fantastically well with the freshness and vegetal tones of the peas and broad beans. It has this slight savoury character , which complements the saltiness of the Pecorino cheese.
2. Rack of spring lamb, asparagus, celeriac, morels paired with Peter Michael Winery, L’Esprit des Pavots, Knights Valley, CA, 2009
2009 was a very good vintage with a high proportion of Cabernet Franc giving the wine a great structure and a lovely spiciness. The green pepper character is goes very well with the aromas of the asparagus and the meatiness of the lamb. The tannins are soft and velvety so the wine doesn’t overpower the dish.
3. Chocolate, salted caramel, cacao nibs, fromage blanc sorbet with Colheita, Blandy’s, Verdelho, Madeira, Portugal, 1998
A slightly unusual wine from this beautiful Portuguese island. Verdhelo is actually producing a semi dry style of Madeira with notes of roasted coffee, caramel, roasted nuts and dry plums making this food and wine pairing a delight.