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Luminaria Villa
(from) / night US$ 2,967.27

Luminaria Villa

United StatesSanta Fe


Luminaria Villa

Villa of the property The Inn of the Five Graces

Unique and out-of-the-ordinary, Luminaria Villa at the Inn of The Five Graces is a haven of peace, luxury and tranquillity in the heart of the historic district of Santa Fe. Adorned with furniture and artefacts sourced from around the world by the Seret family, its spacious rooms are spread across three floors, ensuring privacy for everyone. With the central Santa Fe Plaza within walking distance, discover historic buildings such as the Palace of the Governors, art galleries and museums, interspersed with colourful open-air markets, as well many modern shops. At the end of the day, sit by the fireplace in the lounge or on one of the lush patios and relax to the lulling sounds of the fountains.


The LUMINARIA VILLA, a 2,000-square-foot sanctuary by Ira and Sylvia Seret, is perfect for friend trips, girls' weekends, family getaways, or those needing extra space. This elegant three-bedroom, three-bathroom villa features five wood-burning fireplaces, patios, balconies, and master suites on separate floors with plush king beds. The chef’s kitchen and breakfast nook are adorned with hand-carved cabinetry and colorful tiles, while the living room boasts a cathedral ceiling, silk embroidery, and 18th-century carved wood.

Good to know

  • The villa features a housekeeping service
  • Villa guests enjoy access to the fitness centre

We especially like

  • The adobe walls and the opulence of the decor
  • Sitting with a good book on the sofa next to the fireplace in the lounge, under the impressive cathedral ceiling
  • The wellness moments in the Tibetan spa


The Five Graces See details
A Romantic Retreat See details
Culture, Art, Shopping and Dining See details

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact The Inn of the Five Graces to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services
Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
The Inn of the Five Graces 150 East De Vargas Street
87501, Santa Fe
(( New Mexico )
United States
6 travelers
3 rooms
3 bathrooms
1991 sqm
(from) / night US$ 2,967.27
Minimum length of stay: consult the calendar