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Spring Cottage
(from) / night US$ 2,539.91

Spring Cottage

United KingdomBerkshire


Spring Cottage

Cottage of the property Cliveden House

Close to the delightful Buckinghamshire village of Taplow and nestled in the heart of the Cliveden House estate, Spring Cottage is named after the mountain spring that emerges from the nearby cliffs. It was here where Queen Victoria and the Duchess of Sutherland would enjoy taking their tea while watching life along the river. Perfectly picturesque, its classic British layout is both charming and refined. With family or friends, enjoy snuggling up by the fireplace, strolling through the extensive flower garden or taking a boat trip from the private pier.


  • Detached house with 2 double bedrooms (1 en-suite) – 287sqm / 3089sqft
  • Children’s room – Two separate lounges with open fireplaces – Office area – Fully-equipped country kitchen
  • One of the most beautiful cottages on the Thames, Spring Cottage was originally built as a secluded summerhouse and tea room by the Countess of Orkney in 1813, and takes its name from the spring that emerges from the nearby cliffs; the Duchess of Sutherland had it extended in the 1870s
  • Private rear garden with the original 'Spring' and small lake – Tea room verandah – Comfortable outdoor seating (2 round tables with seating for up to 8 guests) – Private River Thames boat launch mooring
  • Cosy lounge with real fireplace (can also be made into an additional double bedroom via a sofa-bed)
  • Very large lounge with open fireplace, plenty of comfortable seating and a large wall-mounted television
  • Children's room (complete with 2 single beds - 1 pullout)
  • Small office area overlooking the River Thames
  • Country kitchen with Aga stove, large wooden table for dining (up to 6 guests), dish washer, sink, fridge, separate wine cooler fridge, coffee machine, microwave oven
  • Large en-suite bathroom complete with walk-in shower, bath and splash TV – Hairdryer – Fluffy bathrobes and slippers – Noble Isle toiletries
  • Large guest bathroom on the first floor with walk-in shower, bath, Fluffy bathrobes and slippers
  • Complimentary WiFi in all rooms of the Cottage – Desk – Large 50-inch plasma TV
  • Welcome amenities and Hildon water – Safe deposit box – Air-Cooling system
  • No extra bed possible – 5 Adults maximum

Good to know

  • The Cliveden House estate is located within the National Trust Park, home to the famous Cliveden Maze

We especially like

  • Heading out for a romantic getaway on the Thames
  • Savouring a smoothie in the relaxing spa restaurant
  • Walking along the Thames and exploring the estate’s 150 hectares of gardens and woodland


A 17th-century treasure in the heart of Berkshire, England See details
Experience - River Cruise
A Romantic River Cruise See details
Discover the Estate See details
More Downton than Downton Abbey See details

Services offered by the property

  • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Cliveden House to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
  • See all services
Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
Cliveden House Cliveden

SL6 0JF, Berkshire
( Berkshire )
United Kingdom
5 travelers
2 rooms
2 bathrooms
3089 sqm
(from) / night US$ 2,539.91
Minimum length of stay: consult the calendar