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139 Routes du Bonheur, itineraries to discover the world

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A concierge is at your service: +1 800 735 2478 * Price of a local call
7 Routes du Bonheur
At the dawn of time: Equator & the Galapagos Islands
On this itinerary through Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, Relais et Châteaux invites you on an extraordinary voyage through time.
14 Nights

On the road to Santiago de Compostela, through northern Spain
From the Spanish Basque Country to Galicia via Asturias, gems of Romanesque art, wild beaches, green landscapes and mountains follow one another along this bucolic 4-day itinerary, after which you reach the mystical city of Santiago de Compostela.
4 Nights

Copenhagen to Als - the “garden of Denmark”
The route from Copenhagen points travelers towards the landscapes that inspired Hans Christian Andersen. The famous storyteller described his native island as the "beautiful garden of Denmark". A garden still in close proximity to castles and vast manors, half-timbered houses and small fishing villages.
7 Nights

From the North Sea to the Baltic Sea
Travel for a week from east to west along Germany’s coast to experience untamed nature and the Baltic’s seaside resorts
5 Nights

French Riviera / Corsica
Family paradises in the South of France
For two short weeks, Relais & Châteaux offers you the opportunity to combine relaxing moments by the swimming pool with cultural visits and outdoor activities with the children on this beautiful itinerary, from the French Riviera to the Luberon massif...
12 Nights

Italy, Austria
From Trieste to the Dolomites, the landscapes of northern Italy
Relais & Châteaux makes the most of all the pleasurable experiences northern Italy has to offer. The itinerary offers you a week of amazing discoveries, from the northernmost shore of the Adriatic to the Dolomite Mountains. Amidst this magnificent countryside, you’ll see gondolas give way to sailboats along the coast before heading north to enjoy a small “schuss” down alpine slopes...
8 Nights

Travel along the Tuscan coast: joy on every corner
Escape on a six-day family adventure along the Tuscan shore, from the sandy beaches of Forte dei Marmi to the festive quays of Porto Santo Stefano. You’ll discover another side of Tuscany, one which looks towards the sea for its many delights, from swimming and traditional regattas to amazing gardens.
7 Nights