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Springs Villa
(from) / night US$ 642.60

Springs Villa

Costa RicaLa Fortuna de San Carlos


Springs Villa

Villa of the property Nayara Springs

Romance, exoticism, intimacy and glamour. These are just some of the ingredients on hand for an unforgettable stay in the heart of the Costa Rican rainforest. Near the bustling town of La Fortuna, deep in the jungle on the edge of Arenal Volcano National Park, the Springs Villa at Nayara Springs Hotel is the perfect setting for a romantic getaway. Relax in the hot spring-fed swimming pool before enjoying dinner amidst a sophisticated decor. The lush setting of this colonial-style villa provides the ultimate escape, immersing guests in a voyage to another world with its dark woods and four-poster bed, as well as its Moorish decorative accents of vibrant textiles and ceramics.


Hidden among the tropical forest, the Springs Villa features its own private plunge pool fed by natural mineral hot springs, an expansive private garden with dual rain showers, an oversized bathroom, a sleek, four-poster bed, and indoor and outdoor sitting areas. Exotic touches, modern amenities, and indigenous wood and stone are widely used to produce an unparalleled, authentic, and romantic experience. The living room also has a daybed and a writing desk with stationary.
Additional Amenities:
  • Air conditioning individually controlled in room
  • Oversized bathroom with shower
  • Double Vanity
  • Bathrobe & Slippers
  • Bath amenities
  • Makeup Mirror
  • Espresso Machine
  • Good to know

    • Yoga classes in the heart of nature are available
    • Nayara Springs is involved in the reforestation movement

    We especially like

    • The spectacular view of the volcano
    • Hiking with the team of naturalist guides
    • Unwinding in the private pool fed by natural mineral hot springs emanating from the Arenal Volcano
    • Discovering the spa which overlooks the forest


    Romantic Dining: A private initimate fantasy See details
    Coffee Classes See details
    Lava Fields Walk See details
    Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge See details
    Wildlife Rescue Center (Volunteering) See details
    Experience Yoga Surrounded by Nature See details

    Services offered by the property

    • When preparing your trip, don’t hesitate to contact Nayara Springs to obtain more detailed information about the services and food options available at your vacation villa or home. You will also be able to access all the hotel’s services and facilities and organize your activities at the reception desk.
    • See all services
    Disover all Villas by Relais & Châteaux
    Nayara Springs 7 km West La Fortuna road to Arenal Lake
    road 142

    21007, La Fortuna de San Carlos
    ( Alajuela )
    Costa Rica
    3 travelers
    1 room
    1 bathroom
    1496 sqm
    (from) / night US$ 642.60
    Minimum length of stay: consult the calendar